(231) 591-2365
420 Oak Street
Prakken 101
Big Rapids, MI 49307
The Ferris Foundation amplifies the university's mission and expands possibilities for Ferris students, faculty, staff and the entire Bulldog community. These stories feature the impact that donors have on the causes they care about and illustrate how you help our students move Ferris Forward.
"I would like to thank everyone who helps provide scholarships. Without the crucial
funds from my Transfer Student Scholarship, I surely would not have been able to afford
a place to stay, food to eat, and textbooks to read. It is because of these scholarships
and the donors who support them that I was able to accomplish my goals and graduate.
Thank you."
- Jared, HVACR '23
"My scholarships gave me the opportunity to explore and discover. Without financial
support, I may not have been able to attend a university and find the major that was
the best fit for me. These funds opened so many opportunities and greatly reduced
my stress out of the class room - they changed my life!"
- Riley, History '23
"I would tell donors that for every student they support, they are not just supporting academic endeavors, but so many other parts of a student's life as well. Scholarships give students more time to focus on their skills, craftsmanship, and personal growth while providing financial assistance. Instead of having to apply for student loans and working long hours to pay tuition, scholarships support student success by enabling us to put more of our own money into necessities like buying equipment, textbooks, groceries, or even paying rent, all of which aids us in pursing success. Thank you for your support."
- Leonardo, KCAD Digital Art and Design
Class of 2024