Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning
1010 Campus Drive
Big Rapids, MI 49307
(231) 591-3826
[email protected]
Staff and faculty in the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning are available to consult with faculty on an individual basis or in working groups on questions related to the design of a course (or course plans), writing student learning outcomes, effective teaching and assessment methods, and much more. We are available to support and assist faculty who teach face-to-face, blended, and fully online courses.
FCTL is available to assist you in gaining insights into your teaching, the learning environment of your course, and your students' engagement in your course (with each other and with you). We have three ways for you to gather these insights: Small Group Instructional Diagnosis, Video Recordings, and Class Observations.
Please complete this online form to learn more and to request a feedback opportunity for one or more of you classes. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact FCTL at [email protected] or (231) 591-3826.
The Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning can assist you prepare for a conference presentation in a number of ways, including:
FCTL's Video Production Services include audio and video recording and editing, green screen productions, the Learning Glass Light Board, and more. Our Digital Production Specialist will consult with you from idea conception to the completion of your production. Our services support teaching, student learning, and other university communications and events.
Assistance is available to faculty and staff who seek help with the development of Digital Media content. While technology is becoming easier to use every day, there are still projects that are too big, too complicated, or too unusual that benefit from extra support. This can especially be true when working with older media formats that still have a useful purpose.