(231) 591-2365
420 Oak Street
Prakken 101
Big Rapids, MI 49307
“Donate enough money where it makes you uncomfortable.” This is the motivation for Surveying Engineering alumnus Matt Nawrocki, (95).
During his time at Ferris, he relied heavily on scholarships and grants to fund his education.
“As a student, scholarship money was vitally important to help me finance my education. I had to pay for my own college and that included sometimes taking a semester off here and there so I could go back to work full time to be able to afford the next semester.”
After Nawrocki graduated, he moved to Denver Colorado. A few years later he started his own company selling land surveying equipment, while still staying connected with Ferris State University, proudly wearing his Ferris sweatshirts.
In 2012, Nawrocki was asked to start an endowment scholarship and because of his experience with scholarships, it was no surprise he agreed. Nawrocki took advantage of the Ferris Futures Scholarship Challenge. This challenge is a promise from Ferris to match, dollar for dollar, gifts to scholarship endowments. Nawrocki currently has two scholarships, one in the Surveying Engineering program, and another in the Pharmacy program.
Nawrocki is currently serving his second term with The Ferris Foundation board of directors. One of the highlights of serving on the board has been to be a part of the team responsible for raising $115 million for the university as part of the Now and Always Campaign.
“When I would talk to people donating to charities, donating to their former universities. I would then use the statement, ‘Donate enough money where it makes you uncomfortable.’ I think that’s the key.”
The Ferris Futures Scholarship Challenge continues through June 20, 2023.