Assistant Vice President, Institutional Effectiveness & Strategic Planning, Oakton Community College (IL)
DCCL Associate Faculty Doctorate in Community College Leadership
Phone: (231) 591-2710
Email: [email protected]
PhD, Northwestern University, Sociology
MA, Northwestern University, Sociology
MS, Northwestern University, Education
BA, Boston College, Sociology, History
Publications and Intellectual Contributions
Book Chapter
Iwanaga Becker, K. (2016). "College for All: New Institutional Conflicts in the Transition to Adulthood," Handbook of the Life Course. pp. 201-221. New York: Springer International Publishing.
Journal Article
Iwanaga Becker, K. (2016). "Beyond Earnings and Social Reproduction: Can College Lead to Good Jobs Without Reproducing Social Inequalities?" The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences.
Journal Article
Iwanaga Becker, K. (2016). "Turning the Question Around: Do Colleges Fail to Meet Students' Institutional Expectations?" Research in Higher Education.
A William T. Grant Foundation Inequality Paper
Iwanaga Becker, K. (2015). "The New Forgotten Half and Research Directions to Support Them," New York City: W.T. Grant Foundation.
Magazine/Trade Publication
Iwanaga Becker, K. (2014). "Using Structure to Boost College Completion," Four-Year Myth: Make College More Affordable. Restore the Promise of Graduating on Time. Indianapolis, IN: Complete College America.
Journal Article
Iwanaga Becker, K. (2011). "The Early College Challenge: Navigating Disadvantaged Students' Transition to College," American Educator. 35 (3). pp. 14-20.
Oral Presentation Iwanaga Becker, K. (Presenter), Leadership Educators Institute, "Having it all together: The role of effortless perfection in college women's leadership experiences." Leadership Educators Institute, (2020).
Oral Presentation Iwanaga Becker, K. (Presenter), NASPA Strategies Conference, "Dialogue for Transformation: Three Campus' Approaches to Engaging Men and Masculine Folks." NASPA, Portland, OR, (2018).
Oral Presentation Iwanaga Becker, K. (Presenter), Northwestern University Best Practices Forum, "Turning Interesting into Actionable: Leveraging Tableau for Information Sharing." Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, (2018).
Forum Iwanaga Becker, K. (Presenter), Northwestern University Best Practices Forum, "Drawing Inspiration from Social Change Movements: Leveraging Collective Impact for Cohesive, Division-Wide Leadership Development," Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, (2017).
Oral Presentation Iwanaga Becker, K. (Presenter), Sociology of Education Association Conference, "Understanding the College Choices of Low-Income, First-Generation Students," Sociology of Education Association, Monterey, CA, (2015).
Oral Presentation Iwanaga Becker, K. (Presenter), Conference on Higher Education, "Missed Opportunities: Does College Offer Desirable Options That Go Unnoticed," Russell Sage Foundation, New York, NY, (2014).