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University Curriculum Committee

Planning a Curriculum Change for Academic Year 2025-2026?

We are currently accepting curriculum proposals with a desired implementation of Fall Semester 2025 or later.

Important Dates & Deadlines to Consider:

Last UCC meeting in November – Proposals must be approved by the UCC no later than the last UCC meeting in November to be considered for Fall 2025 implementation. Note: It can take as long as six weeks for a curriculum proposal to get to the UCC after it is submitted to RAM.

December Academic Senate Meeting - Curriculum proposals to be considered for Fall Semester 2025 implementation must be supported by the Academic Senate no later than the December 2024 meeting.

PCAF - Preliminary Curriculum Approval Form - A PCAF is required and must be approved prior to the creation of the proposal for the following curriculum initiatives:

  • New degree, program/major
  • New minor, concentration, or certificate
  • Existing program redirection or shift of emphasis requiring three or more new courses and/or new resources
  • Curricular customization of existing program for delivery to an off-campus cohort group

Experimental Courses - To ensure that experimental course(s) will be available for students to enroll on the first day of registration, proposals must be received by [email protected] no later than the 7th week of the semester prior to offering. The following dates reflect this deadline:

  • Summer Semester 2025 experimental course offerings, proposal is due February 24, 2025
  • Fall Semester 2025 experimental course offerings, proposal is due June 30, 2025
  • Spring Semester 2026 experimental course offerings, proposal is due October 6, 2025

General Education Courses - If you are seeking General Education attributes for a course go to the General Education website and follow the process. General Education requests must be approved prior to submitting a curriculum proposal that will add/remove a Gen Ed course to a checksheet.

Curriculum Process

Step 1

Complete Form A, a "marked up" checksheet or checksheet template (if desired), Form E/F, and Form G (when applicable). (Current version dates are noted. Please use current forms for expeditious processing.)

Step 2

Email completed forms to the UCC sub-committee, RAM (Registrar, Academic Affairs, MyDegree) at [email protected]. RAM will assist the proposer with finishing Form A and creating consultation forms and proposed checksheets. For complex proposals, RAM may invite the proposer to a meeting for clarification of implementation.

RAM distributes consultation forms as needed (B,C, FIN) and a copy of the proposal.

  • Form B - Undergraduate/Graduate Curriculum Consultation Form
  • Form C - FLITE Services Form
  • Form FIN - Financial Aid Consultation Form

Step 3

Proposer guides the proposal through the college support process and returns it to [email protected] after Dean approval.