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What is the Year Four Assurance Review?
The Higher Learning Commission conducts an Assurance Review to determine whether an institution is following the Criteria for Accreditation and other HLC requirements. The Assurance Review is conducted by itself in Year Four and is a part of the comprehensive evaluation that occurs in Year 10. The Year Four filing consists of a report and evidence files and is intended to be an update to the last comprehensive report, which we completed in 2020.
What are the steps that make up the Assurance Review?
- The institution prepares an Assurance Filing that demonstrates it is following HLC requirements. The filing is comprised of an Assurance Argument, Evidence File, and other applicable materials.
- A team of peer reviewers evaluates the institution’s Assurance Filing.
- The outcome of this review is a recommendation as to whether the institution is complying with the Criteria for Accreditation and other HLC requirements.
What are the criterion committees?
- Criterion One Subcommittee – Mission
- Criterion Two Subcommittee – Integrity: Ethical and Responsible Conduct
- Criterion Three Subcommittee – Teaching and Learning: Quality, Resources, and Support
- Criterion Four Subcommittee – Teaching and Learning: Evaluation and Improvement
- Criterion Five Subcommittee – Resources, Planning, and Institutional Effectiveness
Meet Your HLC Team Members
Fall 2023
- September 21, 2023 - Kickoff meeting with all criterion members – Breakfast 8:30 – 10 a.m.
- September 22, 2023 - Criterion co-chairs begin meeting
- October 06, 2023 - Board of trustee’s update
- November 01, 2023 - Evidence reviews of 2020 assurance argument/narrative/feedback/new areas of focus completed
- Mid-November, 2023 - Town hall(s) on areas of focus
Description of Timeline Graphic
The graphic at the top of this webpage provides a timeline of the Higher Learning Commission's Open Pathway 10-year cycle. The graphic displays a timeline of years, ranging from 2021 to 2031. At the years 2023 and 2024, the timeline indicates that a the Year Four Review takes places, along with a Multi-Location Visit. During years 2025 through 2029 the timeline indicates that a Quality Initiative takes place. During years 2028 and 2029 a Multi-Location Visit occurs. The timeline culminates in an Evaluation Visit in years 2030 and 2031.