1201 S. State Street
Timme Center, CSS 310H
Big Rapids, MI 49307
(231) 591-2300
[email protected]
Creating a web profile allows you to showcase latest accomplishments, teaching activities, and interest areas. This further allows you and FSU to:
Faculty activity reporting is vital to universities—activity data serves as the source for accreditation, program review, fundraising, recruiting and more. The information is typically used for annual review, promotion and tenure, merit increase reviews and other university processes involving faculty. But for faculty already fully occupied with teaching, research, and service, responding to multiple requests for submitting annual reports, new publications, and CVs during the year can feel like a thankless task.
At many universities, the process of “manually” requesting information from faculty and updating a faculty webpage involves many steps, causing delays in showcasing current awards, conference presentations, performances, exhibitions and other successes. Faculty often need to send any notable activities to an administrative support person, dean, or the communications department, and eventually the web page would get updated with the new book, article, or other accomplishment. This process is not very efficient—involving lots of password management and keeping track of who is responsible for updates.
Use of Faculty Success alleviates this time and effort burden for all those involved. It can automatically update faculty web profiles using the data faculty already enter into the system for other uses, such as annual reporting or accreditation. Using faculty’s existing data eliminates manual tasks and ensures that your university website tells the most current story of faculty teaching, research and scholarship, service, and other accomplishments.
Publicly accessible web profiles can be a great incentive for faculty to keep activities up to date in the system. Faculty have control over the content of their own web profiles—it’s their window to the world. This can be a big incentive for faculty to update their information in Faculty Success.
Faculty’s activities reflect their life’s work, and most faculty are eager to share it with peers, prospective collaborators and students. A key advantage of having an automatically updated web profile is that new publications, conference presentations, grants and other accomplishments can be entered and displayed in “real time.” This rapid reporting allows faculty accomplishments to be visible to a wide audience, allowing them to be recognized as a subject-matter expert collaborators, as well as for media inquiries.