1201 S. State Street
Timme Center, CSS 310H
Big Rapids, MI 49307
(231) 591-2300
[email protected]
General Information (tab)
Following is a screen shot of the General Information section.
If there is an asterisk, at least some of the fields in this section must be completed. Here is a partial example of that section.
Other fields, many of which are optional, are dates of birth, gender, ethnicity, citizenship, teaching interests, research interests, a brief biography, etc.
Whenever there is a P to the left of the field, it is an indication that this field will be exported to your website profile. Thus, you will want to be sure that the information is complete and accurate. Note that you can present how you want your title to display.
The only other fields that will be exported to the web profile from this Personal and Contact Information section is the brief biography. See the web profiles link for additional information in presenting your profile.
Note also that there is a SAVE button at the upper right. It is vital that you hit Save after changing or entering your information.