Academic Affairs Office of the Provost
1201 S. State Street
Timme Center, CSS 310
Big Rapids, MI 49307
(231) 591-2300
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Donna Green, Associate Professor of Marketing, has been chosen as the recipient of
the 2017 Excellence in Course Assessment Individual Award. This awards honors faculty
members who effectively use assessment tools to evaluate and improve student learning.
Associate Provost of Accreditation, Assessment, Compliance and Evaluation, Roberta Teahen writes for the Excellence in Course Assessment committee, “Dr. Donna Green was recognized for her work with MKTG 378 (Marketing Data Analysis). Following assessment of student results, she made changes to the course design and tweaked assignments each term. From F2014 through F2016 student learning increased each term.”
“An interesting twist that Dr. Green has incorporated is that she shares the data with the students, and at times, has them analyze the raw data relating student grades to their efforts, e.g., not doing the portfolio assignments in a timely manner (homework to reinforce leaning) resulted in much lower grades on examinations (not a surprise to faculty but meaningful to students),” wrote Teahen.
The Excellence in Course Assessment committee noted other changes that Green made and documented in Improve (formerly TracDat). These include: more frequent examinations covering less material increases overall learning (exam scores increased not just on those exams but also on the final), and incorporation of the ‘growth mindset’ (Carol Dweck) has motivated students to believe they can learn and achieve in the course. As these changes and their results are documented in Improve (formerly TracDat), when the course assignment changes to another faculty member, all this information is available for their use.
Green has served as both a faculty member and an administrator. For eleven years, she served at the University of Windsor, in Ontario, Canada, as a Marketing professor engaging in teaching, research and service. She then worked as an academic administrator at several Michigan universities leading faculty development, serving as an academic dean, and as a member of the Provost Leadership Team. She has been honored with a Teaching Excellence Award from both the Academy of Marketing Science and the Academy of Business Administration.
Green is a peer reviewer for the Higher Learning Commission and is serving on Ferris’ Reaffirmation Steering Committee in preparation for the Higher Learning Commission’s accreditation visit in 2020.
Green earned a doctoral degree in business, specializing in marketing, from the Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario; a Master of Business Administration from the University of Saskatchewan, and a Bachelor of Science in psychology from Ohio State University.
Green and other recipients of the 2017 Academic Affairs Awards were recognized on Tuesday, April 25, 2017, at the Employee Service Awards in the David L. Eisler Center.