Academic Affairs Office of the Provost
1201 S. State Street
Timme Center, CSS 310
Big Rapids, MI 49307
(231) 591-2300
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Blair Entenmann, Marketing faculty member in the College of Business, has been chosen
as the recipient of the 2019 Adjunct Teaching Excellence Award, which recognizes a
member of the academic community who demonstrates excellence through exceptional and
innovative teaching.
“Blair Entenmann has proven to be a worthy candidate for this prestigious award,” Sarah Roak for the Non-Tenure Track Teaching Excellence Award committee said. “This award is given to a faculty member who shows an unusual effort to ensuring quality student learning, creativity in instructional approach, and maintains high, scholarly standards for the rigor and currency of the course content and student performance. Blair Entenmann embodies all of these qualities.”
Students respect Entenmann because of his past experience in business and marketing which he brings to the classroom. He uses a "READ, LISTEN, DO" methodology that involves initiative, prior planning, technology, and application. He models his class projects around real-world application and treats his students as employees who must employ critical thinking and ingenuity. “Blair has provided classes that are engaging, unique, and leave students eager to apply their new skills,” Marketing student Keegan Brown said. “He does his best to ensure his students’ success not only in the classroom but also in the future.”
In addition to the expertise he brings to his teaching, Entenmann is committed to co-curricular experience. He is a Crimson Consulting Advisor for the American Marketing Association Registered Student Organization and has been the Master of Ceremonies for the regional DECA competition each January. He serves on the Marketing Development Committee as well as on program faculty panels, all of which strive to ensure student success both in the classroom and in future careers. Entenmann received the College of Business’ Outstanding Service to Students Award in 2017 and was the Ferris AMA Professor of the Year in 2015.
Entenmann and other recipients of the 2019 Academic Affairs Awards were recognized on Wednesday, April 24, 2019, at the Employee Service Awards in the David L. Eisler Center.