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The Academic Scholar Award is presented to a member of the academic community that has demonstrated excellence in research, inquiry, and/or scholarship. The Academic Scholar Award Committee recommended Dr. Adnan Dakkuri as the recipient of this year’s honor. Dr. Dakkuri is a professor in the College of Pharmacy. Dr. Dakkuri’s accomplishments and commitment to the University were highlighted in the nomination letters received.
“Adnan is always aware of the ever-changing environment in teaching and learning. He attends several workshops a year at our Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning. He strives to translate what he learns into action in the classroom. Adnan is very interactive in his teaching style; leaving the “safety” of the podium and walking in the class encouraging the students to be proactive in answering questions and to get involved in their own learning.”
Adnan says, “For a member of the academy to be able to proceed beyond teaching material in one’s area of expertise is a distinct reward and benefit of serving at a higher education institution. This is the approach that I adopted throughout my career in academia. Despite the fact that our College of Pharmacy has been traditionally viewed as a teaching institution, I became involved in research by using sabbatical leaves and collaborating with researchers at other universities. Discovery and innovation are the imprints of a prosperous academic life. Our contributions, no matter how small, enrich the overall scientific trove.”
Dr. Dakkuri has had peer-reviewed publications printed in scholarly professional journals such as the Journal of Pharmaceutical Studies and the Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. He recently completed work on a $15,000 industrial grant to determine the moisture permeation into light and transmission through a variety of prescription vials. These, among many other things, show his commitment and quality of work to earn him the title of the 2014 Academic Scholar.