Academic Affairs Office of the Provost
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Timme Center, CSS 310
Big Rapids, MI 49307
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David Bright, Associate Professor of Pharmacy, is the 2019 Academic Scholar Award
recipient for his exceptional contributions to the profession of pharmacy and for
exemplifying the qualities of the teacher-scholar model in discovery, integration,
application, and teaching.
Bright believes that “… good scholarship must lead to changes in our world. I want to seek out pertinent and immediate problems, and then try to identify research and solutions to address those problems.” His colleagues can attest to his many contributions.
“David is a rising star in the profession of pharmacy,” said Michael Klepser, Professor of Pharmacy, in his nomination letter. “David has had impact on the provision of pharmacist services in a variety of practice settings. His passion for innovation has never stopped at his local practice. In the short time he has been in academia Dr. Bright has been involved with 47 peer-reviewed publications, three book chapters, and 46 abstracts. Additionally, he has managed to secure several grants to support his work.”
“Perhaps the most exciting aspect of Dr. Bright’s contribution to Ferris has been his ability to incorporate his research and expertise into the Doctor of Pharmacy curriculum. Students at Ferris now have the ability to learn about an emerging practice field by a nationally recognized expert,” continued Klepser. “David is a model for an academic scholar that faculty, young and old should strive to emulate.”
Since coming to Ferris in 2014, Bright has focused on “research that supports implementation and improvement of clinical pharmacy services” in four key areas: “1) pharmacogenomics-based pharmacy services, 2) pharmacy technician support of clinical pharmacy services, 3) preconception care-related pharmacy services, and 4) educational support for student and pharmacist growth so that innovative pharmacy care services can be delivered.”
Colleague Eric Nybo, Associate Professor of Pharmacy, said in his letter of recommendation that “Dr. Bright is a national expert in the areas of medication therapy management (MTM) and pharmacogenetics (PGx), and his cutting-edge research continues to contribute new knowledge to his field. Since 2014, Dr. Bright’s research has attracted $184,000 in funding for Ferris State University. Furthermore, Dr. Bright’s research also contributes to his teaching, and he publishes extensively in the area of scholarship of teaching and learning (SOTL).”
“Since 2015, Dr. Bright has published 21 peer-reviewed articles in journals... He has also published six papers and technical documents pertaining to administration of pharmacogenetics in the community pharmacy,” wrote Nybo. “These documents help chart the course of clinical pharmacy. David’s scholarly accomplishments are only overshadowed by his passion for teaching and the constancy of his collegiality.”
Bright and other recipients of the 2019 Academic Affairs Awards were recognized on Wednesday, April 24, 2019, at the Employee Service Awards in the David L. Eisler Center.