Department of Public Safety
1319 Cramer Cir, Big Rapids, MI 49307
If an emergency call 911
Non-Emergencies 24/7:
(231) 591-5000
Campus Crime Anonymous REPORTING:
(231) 796-0169
Division - Administration and Finance
Department - Public Safety
Officer Greenway is a patrol officer responsible for patrolling the campus. His duties include crime prevention, responding to emergency calls and protecting persons and property. He is also a Rape Aggression Defense instructor. He graduated from Oakland Community College in 2002, and Officer Greenway was a Deputy for the Lake County Sheriff's Office for four years prior to coming to Ferris.
Employed at Ferris since:
Contact Information:
Department of Public Safety
1319 Cramer Circle
Big Rapids MI 49307-2128
(231) 591-5000 (office)
(231) 796-0169 (fax)
Email - [email protected]