Department of Public Safety
1319 Cramer Cir, Big Rapids, MI 49307
If an emergency call 911
Non-Emergencies 24/7:
(231) 591-5000
Campus Crime Anonymous REPORTING:
(231) 796-0169
Division - Administration and Finance
Department - Public Safety
Chief Gary Green is the Director of Ferris State University's Department of Public Safety.
Green served 28 years with the Michigan State Police and retired with the rank of lieutenant and as Mount Pleasant’s assistant post commander. He retired in August 2017.
During his time with the MSP, Green served on the fugitive recovery team, was an auto-theft technician, part of the executive protection detail, served on the cold-case unit in addition to other assignments and details. As a Ferris officer, Green was responsible for patrolling campus, responding to emergency calls and protecting people and property. His assigned residence hall was North Hall.
Employed at Ferris since:
September 2017 in the capacity of an officer then promoting to Captain.
In 2022, Gary then served as the Mecosta County Undersheriff until accepting a position
as Chief of Police here at Ferris November 2023.
Contact Information:
Public Safety
1319 Cramer Circle
Big Rapids MI 49307-2128
Office: (231) 591-5904
Fax: (231) 796-0169
Email: [email protected]