Department of Public Safety
1319 Cramer Cir, Big Rapids, MI 49307
If an emergency call 911
Non-Emergencies 24/7:
(231) 591-5000
Campus Crime Anonymous REPORTING:
(231) 796-0169
Faculty and Staff are encouraged to become familiar with the FSU DPS website and follow our social media. We have taken considerable time to ensure it is easy to navigate and find information to keep you up-to-date on the latest department news, available trainings, and services we provide to the campus community.
To get emergency information to Ferris students, staff, and the university community, we utilize a system called RAVE Mobile Safety. In an emergency situation, messages need to be delivered quickly and efficiently to warn the University community about active threats, severe weather, or hazardous situations.
This system allows for emergency messages to be distributed by all or any combination of the following:
Parents, family or friends can receive emergency messaging. Completing the following action will register a cell phone to receive FSU text alerts sent by the RAVE system. All FSU location messages will be received when registering a cell number.
The Bulldogs Text Tip program is a confidential crime reporting tool for everyone! Crime information can be reported confidentially by sending an e-mail or text to [email protected].
In conjunction with our Safety Escorts, main campus has Emergency Blue Lights that are connected to the campus phone network.
Blue light phones can be used by anyone if they feel they are in danger. The phone will allow immediate contact with a 911 operator. Locations can be found on the campus map.
The Department of Public Safety emphasizes education and preparedness to help to avoid or minimize injury or death in the unlikely event that an attack occurs on campus. The department will arrange to have police officers provide active attack training to any group, organization, or class upon request.
This training will educate people on the warning signs of an at-risk person, strategies to help to intervene before the at-risk person deteriorates further, and the response of those subject to an attack. Anyone interested in this training can call (231) 591-5000 for arrangements.
A Campus Security Authority (CSA) is an individual, who by virtue of their university responsibilities and under the Clery Act, is designated to receive and report criminal incidents to the Department of Public Safety so that they may be included and published in the university’s Annual Security Report. They have completed training on appropriately handling reporting crimes, victim relations and support, and related school policies.
A CSA must notify DPS of crimes or criminal incidents that are reported to him or her. They disclose statistics that fall under the Clery Act’s list of reportable crimes and occur within Clery geography. If unsure if a crime counts as a Clery Crime please visit our webpage for definitions.