Department of Public Safety
1319 Cramer Cir, Big Rapids, MI 49307
If an emergency call 911
Non-Emergencies 24/7:
(231) 591-5000
Campus Crime Anonymous REPORTING:
(231) 796-0169
Division - Administration and Finance
Department - Public Safety
Captain Jacobs oversees the department and is currently interim Chief of Police. He assigns shift personnel their duties, and maintains records. He has the responsibility for the immediate supervision, instruction, and coordination of the activities of the officers and student employees.
Tim Jacobs is responsible for investigation of all major crimes and to coordinate investigations between the Police Department and the Prosecutor's office and courts. His duties include assigning follow up on investigations.
Captain Jacobs has 6 years of service with Mecosta County Sheriff’s Department and two years as a D.A.R.E. Officer. He is also one of the departments Rape Aggression Defense instructors.
Employed at Ferris since:
Contact Information:
Department of Public Safety
1319 Cramer Circle
Big Rapids, MI 49307
(231) 591-5903 (office)
(231) 796-0169 (fax)
Email - [email protected]