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Course Evaluations

Student Feedback

Course Evaluations are designed to provide formative feedback to faculty members. Faculty also use the student evaluations of course in some promotion, tenure, merit, and professional development processes. The Student Assessment of Instruction (SAI) is the home grown evaluation that is currently available university wide.  Each college decides to use either the SAI or another evaluation that is curriculum specific. A sample of the SAI survey is available on the Course Evaluation Form link.

The course evaluations are delivered to students through the university's content management system, currently Canvas. Faculty may also access results in the course shell.


In 2013, at the recommendation of the Academic Senate, course evaluation objectives included these:

  1. Provide formative feedback from students to inform instructional improvements
  2. Provide timely feedback
  3. Protect the anonymity of student respondents
  4. Centralize administration and processing in Academic Affairs
  5. Enhance the flexibility - including timing, addition of questions, and various tools
  6. Assure the integrity of the process
  7. Maintain historic and comparative records for varied reporting purposes, including accreditation