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Adding Questions

Faculty members, departments, or colleges may add additional questions to either the IDEA or SAI instruments. There is no limit to the number of additional questions that can be added. All questions must be entered before the administration begins. Adding questions is completely optional. All faculty with courses in an upcoming administration will receive an e-mail telling them when the session administration with their course will open and close for students.

The steps to add questions follow:

  1. Log into Ferris360 and search for "Course Evaluations for Faculty," then click on the search result of the same name.
  2. In the top right corner of the page, click on Course Evaluation Questions. If your course has questions enabled, you will see the "View/Edit Evaluation" option. If custom questions are not enabled, or if the administration has already opened, you will be able to view evaluation questions by clicking "View Evaluation".  
  3. On the right side of the page, you will be able to view, add, and edit your custom questions. The core questions that comprise this instrument will be on the left.  Multiple instruments are in use at Ferris. And then continue with click "Edit".

You will have the option to add both a single select or textbox question.

Adding Questions

You may continue to add additional questions as necessary. You may click on the text of the question to update it, or the response choice to change the anchor, value, or settings. 

Questions may only be added up until the time the administration opens. The results will display in the web reports, available only to the individual faculty member. 

These additional questions will not be displayed for administrators, such as deans or department heads, who receive the course evaluation results.

If you have accreditation self-studies or program review needs, this could be an excellent place to gather additional information from your students. However, you are encouraged to limit the number of questions so that students will complete the forms and do not use the length as an impediment to completion.