Information pertaining to the administration of the revised General Education program
is provided in the materials below. More details will be posted as they are developed.
- Complete proposal process - The full proposal process includes all of the possible contingencies.
- Regular course application - Normal courses (both existing and new) that wish to apply for a General Education
attribute must follow this procedure.
- Experimental course application - Experimental courses (190, 290, 390, or 490) are approved with an expedited pathway.
If and when these courses transition to permanent courses, they must reapply using
the regular course application process indicated above.
- Appeals process - When a subcommittee rejects a proposal, the rejection can be appealed.
- Application status - An online table is provided that indicates the current status of all applications
for General Education status. Questions concerning these applications should be directed
to the General Education Coordinator.
- Changes to course prefixes or numbers - Directions to handle adding general education attributes to new courses that are
merely created to change the prefix or number (or both) of an existing general eduction
- Deletion of a general education attribute - Directions to delete a general education attribute.
- Changes to general education defining criteria - Proposals to make changes to a general education competency's defining criteria
(operational definition, hallmark of a bulldog, relevance, or Ferris learning outcomes)
must follow this procedure.
- Course recertification - Each General Education course will undergo recertification every five years. The
process and criteria for those evaluations are provided here.
- Data reporting - Collecting and documenting evidence of student learning is an important role of
the General Education program. The process used at Ferris is described here.
- Policy letters - Links to all official Academic Affairs policy letters that pertain to General Education
are provided here.
- Forms - A variety of forms used in the General Education program are all available online
- Course migration - As we initially migrate from the old to the revised General Education program
in fall 2017, most of the existing course mapping will be grandparented. The mapping
between the two programs is explained on this page.
- Training - A series of short training videos have been created to familiarize faculty, staff,
and administrators with some of the key procedures associated with the General Education
program. These procedures include applications for General Education status, preparing
for recertification, and documenting evidence of student learning.