General Education Director
820 Campus Drive,
ASC 2011,
Big Rapids, MI 49307
(231) 591-2823
[email protected]
A decision to reject a proposal by a Competency Subcommittee may be appealed. Other decisions are not subject to appeal.
The appeal process has two steps:
APPEAL STEP ONE: Appeal, in writing, to the subcommittee chair. The written appeal must include an answer to the rationale of the subcommittee for rejecting the proposal. The subcommittee will have 15 working days from the date of receipt by the chair to respond to the appeal in writing. A response will either be to reaffirm the original decision to reject or to request revisions. A detailed rationale must accompany the response. A decision to request revisions shall be treated as a “revise and resubmit” decision subject to the processes outlined above.
APPEAL STEP TWO: If the subcommittee reaffirms the original decision to reject, the proposer may appeal in writing to the DGE. The appeal must include a written response to the rationale provided by the Competency Subcommittee. The DGE will put the proposal on the agenda for the earliest possible meeting and invite the proposer and subcommittee chair to attend and make their cases. The UGEC’s decision will either be approve, reject, or revise and resubmit subject to the provisions above.
APPEAL DIRECTLY TO UGEC: If the subcommittee responds to an appeal by requesting revisions, and reject the revised proposal, the proposer may appeal directly to the UGEC as outlined in STEP TWO of the appeals process.