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Self and Society

Self and Society

Operational Definition

Social/behavioral science methods, theories, principles, and application should make up at least 80% of the course content of Self and Society courses.

Hallmark of a Bulldog

Ferris graduates actively engage in their society and recognize how they are shaped by the society and place in which they live.


Natural environments, social systems, and interpersonal relationships influence how people think, behave, and interact with others.  An appreciation of these influences is essential for effectively participating in and changing society.

Ferris Learning Outcomes

The observable activities or abilities that will be evaluated as evidence of student learning for this Core Competency are described below. The icons to the left of each outcome are linked to holistic scoring rubrics. A complete matrix of all 40 scoring rubrics is available on this page.

SOC1 rubric

SOC1: Self – Students using social science theory and methods will be able to describe conceptions of self, others and social systems.

SOC2 rubric

SOC2: Society – Students using social science theory and methods will be able to evaluate human interactions within relationships, social groups, organizations, communities, and institutions.

SOC3 rubric

SOC3: Social control and agency of individuals – Students using social science theory and methods will be able to critically analyze the bidirectional effects of various social contexts on the behavior of individuals, and the effect that individuals have on society.

SOC4 rubric

SOC4: Social Science theory and methodology – Students will be able to apply social science theory and methods and ethics to better understand individuals and society and their interconnections.