General Education Director
820 Campus Drive,
ASC 2011,
Big Rapids, MI 49307
(231) 591-2823
[email protected]
When a curriculum proposal changes the prefix or number of a course with a general education attribute, the proposer must demonstrate in the narrative on the Form A that the changes to the course are not sufficiently substantive as to require a general education proposal.
The Form A will be sent with a Form B consultation to the chairs of all relevant competency subcommittees and the Director of General Education. The Director and the subcommittee chairs will discuss the extent of general education review necessary, and provide that feedback in the signed Forms B. They may also reach out to the proposer with questions.
Any required general education review expressed in the signed Forms B will require a general education proposal to run through the full approval process.
Regardless of the review process, a Form B must also be sent to the General Education Assessment Coordinator for information only.