Office of the President
1201 S. State Street
Timme Center, CSS 301
Big Rapids, MI 49307
Congratulations to —
I would like to nominate Julie Eikey, secretary for the Northern region Office in Traverse City for the Pat on the back award. Julie goes above and beyond her job description to assist the students and faculty of the Northern Region. She is described as the "go to person" in our office for complicated student issues. Everyday and every way, Julie makes our office a great place to work. I think the increase in our student numbers is further evidence of her customer service excellence. Thanks, Julie. Way to go!!!
I would like to give Brian Kurisky of the Housing Office a pat on the back for his work in organizing the "Bulldogs In Action" move in helpers program. In Brian's third year coordinating the program there were 384 students who provided over 2400 volunteer hours helping new and returning students move in to their residence halls. This was a 57% increase in number of volunteers over last year and volunteers provided twice as many total volunteer hours. This program took a tremendous amount of time coordinating, training and implementing to be the great success it was. Way to go Brian!
I would like to nominate Mark DeKoster of the automotive department for a pat on the back award. Mark spent much of the summer performing technician training for a major automotive manufacturer. Mark has shared some of his vast wealth of knowledge with me to pass on to my students. I think it is great to have a colleague work hard to stay up to speed in our highly technical and dynamic industry. It is even better when they are willing to share with other members of the team to give our Ferris students the best education possible.
I would like to nominate Julie Modene, Marketing/Stock Room Coordinator, Department of Dining Services for a well deserved Pat-On-The-Back. Julie is blessed with many gifts which benefit the Ferris community. She is personable, intelligent, and a diligent team member. She represents Ferris with pride and dignity, making friends for Ferris around the country. One of Julie's most endearing qualities is the ability to be blind sided with an issue, maintain her composure, and offer creative solutions with a positive attitude. We appreciate you Julie!
Kudos to the Records Room Calendar Staff - Cindy Adolf, Jane Hardybala, Jeannine Martine, Bridget Olson and Associate Director of Admissions and Records Jo Gerst - for coordinating the thousands of details that go into the hundreds of classes that are magically transformed into our semester schedules. Errors, beware - you cannot escape these Divas of Diligence, these Paragons of Precision, these Buffers to Banner! It's their unwavering attention to detail that assures that students get the right amount of class time, that faculty get to the right classrooms and that we staff will get through yet one more semester. We appreciate their patience, good humor and patience. (Did we say patience?) Thanks a million.
I would like to nominate Vicky Deur for a pat-on-the-back award. She made sure that every FerrisConnect class that went online this Fall semester was integrated with Banner and did all of the setup for the cross listed classes which saved several faculty members many hours worth of work. She worked over the weekend to make sure there was a smooth start to the semester. Ferris State University is very lucky to have such a dedicated employee.
I would like to nominate Terry Pierson and Tom Lokers from Physical Plant for a giant pat on the back. When a student worker accidentally dropped a set of keys into an elevator shaft, these two dropped what they were doing, came over, and were able to retrieve the keys. They were efficient, courteous and really saved the day!
I would like to nominate Mike Hughes and Teresa Havens of the Physical Plant and Rob Adams of Public Safety for their help this past weekend in assisting me with an issue. They all went above and beyond what is normally asked of us in our day to day duties and they did so with a gracious attitude. Thank you so much.
I would like to thank Candice Moore from the West Campus Community Center. She offered her help during the International Potluck. She was a warm smiling face for, not only the international students, but also the community members and faculty who attended the event. The International Student Advisor's Office would like to give her a pat on the back and make sure that she gets recognition for her efforts. Thank you.
I would like to nominate Mary Kay MacIver for the Pat-On-The-Back Award. Her communication skills were awesome during the department upgrade to Office 2007. She worked together with computer support to ensure the automated installation was communicated out to the department and completed as scheduled. She is truly a team player!
I would like to nominate Sandy Holley, Paula Walter, Claudia Johnson and Jim McIntyre for a Pat-on-the-back award. These wonderful, hardworking people have helped me make the transition to my new job a lot easier and I wanted to let them know that they are awesome and they are appreciated. You Rock!!!!