Office of the President
1201 S. State Street
Timme Center, CSS 301
Big Rapids, MI 49307
Congratulations to —
Michelle Allen, Honors Program support staff, gets the job done. Her warmth, creative touch, excellent telephone skills, flexibility and kindness towards students are all impressive. We are fortunate to have her in our midst.
Ted Halm is efficient, thorough, ahead of the curve and a Johnny-on-the-spot. His troubleshooting skills are appreciated, and his speedy response to problems is legendary.
What would we do without Penny Bouman? She is a woman for all seasons. Her humor, professionalism, willingness to go above and beyond the call of duty and courage to tackle the "new" are widely respected.
I would like to nominate John Randle for a Pat on the Back award. He has gone above the call of duty in finding work study dollars for employees in the Student Recreation Center. Without his efforts we would be anticipating a reduction in operational hours in the SRC.
I would like to nominate the following people for a Pat on the Back award Danny Addis, Diana Routley, Greg Vodry, Carmen Brown, Pam Marvel, Rachel Bradford, Scott Earle, Jim Moore, Brian Anderson, Shawnee Griffin, Floyd Johansen, Jeff Warner, Frank Mondrella, Dorothy Cline, and Dan Spedowske. For their great attitudes in helping with all the commencement cleaning at Convocation that needed to be done, job well done!
I would like to tell someone how happy I am with all the help I received from Chuck Rathbun in the FSU TAC department. Over the past two days, Chuck has offered endless assistance and information to me with getting me signed into the FSU network and assigned a password since I was somehow lost in the system upgrade. His upbeat and friendly manner only added to my positive experience with this university. Thanks again Chuck!
I want to acknowledge Jim A. Lindsey for a pat on the back for his ingenuity in creating security badges for the custodial crew. With little or no instruction he came up with a professional design that surpassed our expectations. Great Job on your ingenuity and design!
Recently we had problems with heating units at FLITE. To avoid serious operational problems, Mike Toles and Bill Ruppel made accurate assessments and quick decisions. The areas that these men had to work were cramped and the equipment they work with is heavy and awkward. In spite of the difficulties they did a great job. Job well done.