Office of the President
1201 S. State Street
Timme Center, CSS 301
Big Rapids, MI 49307
Congratulations to —
I would like to nominate both Scott Thede and Jennifer Thede for a Pat on the Back. They have worked very hard in the last nine months assisting me in talks with Dell regarding some troublesome computers in the College of Technology. Recently we were able to see fruits of much labor, thanks in no small part to their continued efforts. Your work is very much appreciated.....Thank You!!
I want to nominate Lori Deforest for a Pat on the Back. Lori assists me in keeping up with loan certifications and this time of the year that's a challenge. Sometimes Lori gets very little notice when requested to help out but still she comes through and does a great job, quite often she volunteers her time by letting us know she has an hour that she can use to help us out. Since her area down at Kendall is really busy this time of year, like ours is, she keeps us in mind if she has a minute to spare.
I would like to nominate Steve Stellard for a Pat on the Back award. He went out of his usual domain to help our department when we needed it. He went up and beyond to help us. I really appreciate his knowledge and willingness to help. Thank you Steve for a wonderful and well done job. The ATS would like to thank Annette Erler and Larrey Eberts of the Physical Plant. On 8/2/07 we had a shipment of 200 boxes delivered to Heavy Equipment Center. Annette assisted by contacting Larrey to come over and drive the Hi-Low to help us unload computer boxes. Also, a Pat-on-the Back should go out to Glenn Zobel for his assistance earlier in July in our panic to drive the Boom and load disposal equipment for us. The folks at the Physical Plant are always pleasant and helpful and we really appreciate their efforts. There should just be a standing paragraph each and every month in the Pat-on-the Back section to include these folks; they are always there to help. The ATS Inventory would like to extend a Pat-on-the Back to Chris Laczek and Adam Shirey for all their assistance in moving network switches to our storage location. Your help is greatly appreciated – keep up the good work.
I believe that Stan Vallier deserves a huge pat on the back. He does an excellent job making sure catered events go smoothly. He has a smile and a kind word to share with everyone. His pleasant demeanor makes both students and staff feel welcome here at Ferris. Thank you Stan!
Linda Ferguson for her commitment an making Granger Center look outstanding for the start of the school year. Great job Linda.
Jeff Tellkamp for his abilities for stepping up to the plate when you need him the most and has gone above his job responsibilities when we need it the most, always willing to jump in and give a hand
Denise Sims - We appreciate all you do for our building. When school started all the areas looked terrific. Thank you for taking the extra effort in making our building look so wonderful.
Jeff Warner - We appreciate all the help you gave us in getting our building ready for school to start. Thank you for all of your help and for always being so willing to help.