Office Of Scholarships & Financial Aid
1201 S. State Street,
CSS 101,
Big Rapids, MI 49307
[email protected]
Meet with Financial Aid Advisor
Federal regulations require that students be making progress towards their degree(s) in a timely manner in order to maintain financial aid eligibility. See FSU's Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy to review the academic requirements for aid recipients:
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy
Your academic record will be evaluated at the end of each academic year (spring semester) , to determine if you are meeting SAP requirements. You must be meeting all SAP requirements at the end of each spring semester in order to remain eligible for aid for your next semester of attendance. Grade changes to your academic record after the official annual evaluation may affect your SAP status.
Students in a probationary SAP status will be reviewed at the end of each semester. If you are meeting our SAP policy at that time, you will return to an eligible status. If after the semester's evaluation of your academic progress, you have not met the terms of your probation, you will be ineligible for financial aid beginning with the next semester for which you are registered. You may appeal only in limited cases if a probation period has already been offered to you.
Appeals will be considered based on extenuating circumstances that prevented you from meeting the SAP requirements. See the SAP Appeal Form for how to appeal. Submit your complete appeal - incomplete appeals will not be accepted.
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) APPEAL Form.
Please allow 10 business days from the submission of your complete appeal for a decision. You will be notified by FSU email.
Please note that submission of a SAP appeal does not guarantee its approval and you should not assume aid eligibility unless you have been notified (by email) that your appeal has been approved.
Students that are not meeting SAP requirements may explore alternative loan options. Be advised that it takes an average of two to three weeks for an alternative loan to process. If you secure an alternative loan, and your appeal is subsequently approved, your original aid will be reinstated and you will be able to cancel the alternative loan without any repercussions.
If at any time after losing aid eligibility, you feel that you are meeting the overall SAP policy, you may request in writing to have your financial aid eligibility reviewed for reinstatement. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy.
If you have any questions, you may contact the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid by email at [email protected].
General SAP Information for Academic Advisors