In order for the internship program to function and work successfully, a number of
rules and procedures have been developed. The student is responsible to know and follow
these rules. It should be kept in mind that everything a student does reflects on
the student, the Welding Engineering Technology Internship Program, and Ferris State
- Students must be conscientious and work to the best of their ability.
- Any serious employment difficulties or serious misunderstandings must be reported
immediately to the intern coordinator.
- Interns are required to comply with all conditions of employment, including rules
of the employer, federal, state, and local regulations.
- The training site supervisor must be notified immediately in the event the student
is unable to report to work. If the absence from work extends more than three days,
the intern coordinator must be notified.
- A student may not abandon a job! Employment can be terminated only after consultation
with both the internship coordinator and the employer.
- Your status regarding financial aid, Veteran's benefits, etc., is your responsibility,
and you must check with any such office prior to going out on the job.
- The internship experience is a paid work experience. Hourly wages and benefits are
driven by market forces.
Students who do not conform to the rules may receive an unsatisfactory grade for the
course and thereby jeopardize their potential for graduation.
Getting The Most Out Of Your Internship
How can you get the most out of your job? How can you succeed on the job? What can
you do to establish a good "on-the-job reputation?" The answers to these questions
are related. When you are able to answer one question, you will often find you will
have an answer to another.
Before offering a number of suggestions, we presume that as an employee you (1) want
to do a good job, and (2) are receptive to advice and criticism.
When you are new on a job, you will have some latitude because you are a beginner,
but don't count on your period of grace lasting forever.
- Find out what your work is; what your responsibilities are. Ask questions.
- Be certain that you understand when being given instructions. Concentrate.
- Know who can give you information, advice or help.
- Read the literature pertaining to your place of employment.
- Read the instructions for operating equipment and machinery.
- Read and follow the company rules. They are usually posted. If not - ask.
- Work as accurately, safely, and quickly as you can. Set high standards for yourself.
- Learn from your mistakes. Don't try to cover up.
- Remember that most of your work will be routine - but important. Do the routine things
as capably as you do the more complex and sophisticated work.
- Try to do more than you are required to do. Keep productively busy.
- Observe everything. Watch how the "old hands" operate. Why are some individuals more
effective and efficient than others?
Later on, after you have been around a while and have gained a measure of experience
and stature, many things will start to change. You'll find that others have ambition,
pride, jealousies, fears, hates, etc. You'll have to get along with all kinds of people.
- Be tactful. Don't offend others. Show respect and politeness.
- Be friendly. Avoid being aloof or overbearing.
- Avoid cliques, do not gossip, and do not be nosy.
- Be appreciative of advice and help.
- Be completely honest.
- Be considerate of others in all ways.
- Ask as few favors as possible. Restrain yourself from borrowing, but offer your services
- Give praise or credit when they are due, but avoid false flattery.
- Be humble.
- Have confidence in your ideas. Present them at appropriate times.
- Do not show annoyance at criticism.
- Learn the art of friendly humor.
- Smile!