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Students in the Welding Engineering Technology program have a mandatory program requirement to successfully complete WELD 393 – Internship in Welding Engineering Technology. You will find this course to be valuable. To conduct this type of an internship requires time and effort, not only by the students, but also by the faculty and the employer.

The internship experience is a three-way street (students, faculty and employer) and all three must be willing to do their part if the internship is to be a successful experience. The ultimate responsibility of finding employment for the internship rests with the individual student. The FSU welding engineering technology faculty will make every attempt to assist the student, but the student is responsible for obtaining employment.

The student, employer, and faculty, as well as Ferris State University, have much to gain from this internship.

Why An Internship Requirement

  • To gain a sound orientation to the world of work.
  • Apply theory, principles, and concepts to real problems.
  • Gain experience required to obtain a meaningful position after graduation.
  • Work with and understand people.
  • Develop new skills and specialized training.
  • Evaluate a potential full-time employer and make professional contacts.
  • Offer potential full-time employers valuable work experience.

The Value Of An Intern For An Employer

  • Reduce recruiting and training cost of full-time professional employees.
  • Free high-salaried professionals from some of their more routine tasks.
  • Preview potential full-time professionals without commitment.
  • Procure high-caliber personnel for special projects.
  • Acquire an "experienced" professional employee after the intern graduates.

Benefits To Ferris State University

  • Offer a better course of instruction, utilizing the facilities and personnel of many employers.
  • Produce a Welding Engineer with hands-on experience, who is much better-prepared to take a place in society.
  • Provide feedback to keep our program relevant to industrial needs.