Institute for Construction Education and Training (ICET)
1018 Maple St.
Big Rapids, MI 49307
Please call (231) 591-5826 if you have any questions regarding the course schedule, enrollment requirements, or the registration process.
Technicians registering for the Aggregate Level One Recertification Class and the HMA Level One Recertification Class must submit test reports at least 30 days prior to the scheduled course for review and approval to attend the recertification class, see more detail on the course web page in the left navigation panel.
Companies enrolling employees in HMA Paving Operations Classes are limited to three employees per company.
To register for a scheduled class, click on this link:
Schedule, Registration, Fees, and Policies
ICET currently offers technician training programs in cooperation with the Michigan Department of Transportation for the following certification programs:
For more information about a course, click on the course link in the left navigation panel.
To contact the Highway Training Program, email [email protected] or phone (231) 591-5826
Mailing Address: 126 Howard Ave. Big Rapids, MI 49307