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Internship Requirements

To success fully complete the internship course WELD-393, the intern must demonstrate the ability to work in a real world welding engineering position. The following are requirements of the course and all must be successfully completed.

Internship Expectations

  • The Intern will
    • Be employed in a welding engineering capacity for a minimum of 10 weeks and 400 hours.
    • As part of his/her internship experience, solve a welding engineering type problem for his/her employer.
    • Submit consecutive, weekly status reports via Ferris State Blackboard to the FSU internship coordinator.
    • Make a presentation of his/her special project to his/her peers at Ferris State University.
  • The employer will
    • Provide meaningful work assignments in welding engineering.
    • Evaluate the intern once during his/her internship upon completion of at least 90% of the internship.
    • Provide a professional-level supervisor and mentor for the intern
  • The FSU Internship Coordinator will
    • Visit each intern at his/her work site.
    • Review weekly status reports from interns.
    • Act as liaison between the intern and employer.
    • Evaluate the intern on his/her internship.
    • Review employer evaluations of intern.
    • Assign student grade upon semester completion.