Office of the President
1201 S. State Street
Timme Center, CSS 301
Big Rapids, MI 49307
Congratulations to —
Nikki Bigelow, student employee, Student Employment & Career Services, deserves a big Pat-On-The-Back. She always has a smile on her face and goes above and beyond to help students and parents with any questions they may have. This was especially evident during the orientation process where Nikki was always upbeat and happy to assist everyone who needed it even during busy and sometimes stressful times. Thanks to Nikki who shows true Ferris Pride throughout the work day.
Please consider for a Pat-on-the-back award the academic computer support team responsible for the College of Arts & Sciences, University College, and the David L. Eisler Center for Extended Learning. Members of the team are team leader, Jody Gardei, and her team members, Bill Abrahamson, Jacob Bouvrette, Kelly Cothery, Curtis Earl, Marshall Gladding, Alex Kundinger, Russ Mishler, Josh Schrade, John Hassenzhl and Randy Shanks. This team is a model to learn from in Academic Technology Services. This group works together as a true team maximizing their potential and delivering exceptional customer service to their customers. This team received the highest marks, close to 100% across all categories of the recent Information Technology Satisfaction Survey. Well done ATS Team Beta!
Mike Johnson, deserves a Pat-on-the-back award for his "can do" attitude with academic computer support. Mike has done an excellent job responding to the computer support needs in the College of Education and the College of Optometry. Mike's customer oriented approach and service experience are a great asset to Academic Technology Services. Keep up the fine work Mike!
Lee Weaver deserves a Pat-on-the-back award for providing exceptional academic computer support service in the College of Technology. Lee has accomplished this task by working well with his peers, students and customers. He has recognized and leveraged automation technologies to improve response time and quality for his customers. Lee's innovative approach to support has maximized his potential and effectiveness on his support team. Well done Lee!
I'd like to nominate Joe Viviano from the TAC for a Pat On The Back. My daughter (a student) and I were each having problems accessing our web-based email from any FSU computer and our ISP was unable to resolve the issue. Joe was tenacious in his troubleshooting this problem, working with the ISP by phone and even setting up a test account for himself, in order to observe, diagnose and resolve the problem. Joe and the TAC deserve a real pat on the back for bulldog tenacity!
The Technology Assistance Center moved to the West building recently. I would like to recognize the TAC staff, particularly Gary Lutz, Quentin Kramer, Phyllis Sherman, C. J. LeTourneau, and Darci Stevens for all the extra work they put in to get the move to happen as smoothly as possible! They spent most of their weekend getting things ready to go, executing the move, and cleaning up the mess after!
Stephanie Patton, Custodian, Granger, JANUS Training Program Trainer Stephanie has been instrumental in the JANUS training program. She has spent countless hours of her own time to ensure the program is very successful and informative. Without her dedication the JANUS program would not be the same. You ROCK Steph!
I would like to nominate Phil Tetsworth, financial aid, for the Pat on the Back award. Phil is always willing to chip in and help when people need him in. He does more than his share and does it with a great attitude. He is good to our students and really tries to go the extra mile to help them. Phil is just a great guy and he is fun to work with.
I don't want to nominate a person but an office. I work at the Office of Student Leadership and Activities and the staff (both student and professional) are great. They have worked all summer to prepare for the fall semester and have numerous events lined up for the students. Not only that but also aided in the planning of "eat up and get down" summer concert series at Quiznos. This staff makes campus life better for all Ferris State University and all of them deserve a pat on the back. The staff includes JD Fiscus, Sarah Jennings, Shanyn Leonard, Michele Lovett, Stephanie Thibert, Nichole Wheelock, Kely Adkins, Bianca Dannenberg, Matt Eickhoff, Teresa Fogel, Cindy Horn and Celeste Belcher-Girard.
I would like to nominate Rob Lukofsky and Mitch DeVries for a Pat on the Back. These two Ferris Football players are fine representations of high performance and dependability, always achieving and reaching the end goal. These gentleman always came to work with a "We Can Do It Attitude." Residential Life Custodial has truly appreciated the work they have done this summer to assist with moving heavy objects and the overall the numerous other things that they have accomplished to assist in helping us get the halls and apartments ready for occupancy. We are all grateful for their helping hands!
Mickey Mills, supfac, Radiography. Mickey goes above and beyond her job when it comes to the students and her fellow co-workers. All of us would like to say a huge THANK YOU for everything she has done. We don't know what we would do without her.