Office of the President
1201 S. State Street
Timme Center, CSS 301
Big Rapids, MI 49307
Congratulations to —
Thanks to Debbie Buck and all the FCTL [Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning] staff for the excellent job they do helping to stage the Distinguished Teacher Speakers' series. Debbie has been one of the keys to success for the program and large turn out of participants because she does such a great job of organizing, promoting, and hosting the events.
President Eisler deserves a pat on the back (can we pat him?) (Sure we can!) for hosting the event. Because of support from his office we have been able to offer lunch and a great speaker at a well-attended event three times this fall and have some nice programs lined up for winter also. His encouragement of colloquia like this speaks to his dedicating to engaging this campus in meaningful discussions.
Sam Fattore, Manager of Technical Services in Admissions and Records went above and beyond the call of duty when, despite being very busy, he helped me figure out why I could not complete a required SCT Banner Post-Test; test was 30 questions, I had successfully completed 27. All "Banner people" were in training, so Sam came to my rescue. He quickly discovered that JAVA had never been installed on my computer; he installed JAVA and didn't even lose any of the questions I had already completed. Thanks, Sam!