Office of the President
1201 S. State Street
Timme Center, CSS 301
Big Rapids, MI 49307
Congratulations to —
John Strohkirch, Heavy Equipment faculty, for his work making the Heavy Equipment 12th annual "Big Feed" possible. Also to Bruce Jacobs, retired Heavy Equipment faculty member for helping out. These guys were up at 3 A.M. smoking turkeys. An estimated 175 students, faculty, support and retirees were served on 11/9.
Barrington Dykes, student custodian, Dining Administrative Office, for his superior effort in keeping our office clean. He is a self starter, works hard and goes above the call of duty. He takes great pride in his work and does it very well. The dining administrative office is appreciative of his great effort.
Laura Webber, front desk student employee, Dining Administrative Office. She does a fantastic job helping customers, answering the phone and assisting with organizing the office. She is a self starter who takes pride in her work. She is always willing to do what ever is asked of her. We appreciate her customer service skills.
Sue Brown, Dining Administrative Office, is the person to call when you are looking for resources. She steps up to help, pays close attention to details, and sincerely cares about students and fellow employees. Sue is a very valuable asset to our office and we appreciate her very much.
I would like to take this time to nominate the following individuals for a Pat-On-The Back Award for their hard work in planning November Awareness activities that helped to educate the campus community about sexual assault and aggression. I could not have asked for a better group of people who spent countless hours brainstorming and coming up with a creative campaign to promote awareness that targets how we educate our male students about sexual violence, masculinity, communication, and stereotyping. Our Campaign was "Are You A Strong Man On Campus?" "Hats Off" to the following staff and students: Nick Campau, Lindsay Attwood, Officer Joy Paquette, Charles Wade, Barb Eberts, Lauren Stilwell, Amanda Luchies, Jason Cronkrite, Jesse Atteberry, Jeanne Bolle
Mike Toles, Mike Troupe, and John Pasquantonio, Physical Plant, for their efforts in trying to regulate the temperature in FLITE. Given the complexities of the heating and cooling system and the ever-changing Michigan weather, this is no mean feat. Thanks, guys!
Lee Ann Martin, Rock Cafe, because she is an excellent worker. She stays past her shifts and always gets the job done. She is a valuable team member...the place wouldn't run without her.