Office of the President
1201 S. State Street
Timme Center, CSS 301
Big Rapids, MI 49307
Congratulations to —
Cheytaya Brown, RA in Merrill/Travis, for all of her hard work and dedication to the lives of students at Ferris State University. In addition to the numerous events she has already planned this semester, she organized the "Play It Safe: Sex Olympics" event for Welcome Week and it was a tremendous success. All of the hard work she put into the event was astounding. She was able to creatively engage students in prevention discussions regarding sexuality and it was very well received---over 100 students attended. It never ceases to amaze us how talented, bright, and ambitious our students are. We just wanted to recognize her for being one of those students.
Andrea Perkins, RA in Brophy/McNerney, for her efforts in organizing the Pinata Party in collaboration with our Hispanic Heritage Month events. Andrea encouraged students in the residence halls to make a pinata, learn about the history of the pinata, and then work together to decorate the ROCK Cafe for the Hispanic Cuisine lunch on October 6th. We wanted to recognize her for her efforts in collaborating and planning such an amazing event. It is because of students like her that we are able to be successful at Ferris State University.
Ray Dickinson, librarian/professor, FLITE Archives and Special Collections. The displays he put together for FLITE to celebrate Constitution week were wonderful. Displays like that don't just happen, they take a lot of thought and time to prepare and I want him to know that his efforts were appreciated.
Cory Schult, student. I went over to Rankin Center to get a pop and realized that Quizno's didn't open until 10:00. It was close to 10:00 so I asked a student named Cory Schultz if I could just buy a pop and he said yes. Then he realized that the registers were not open and I needed exact change. I only had two dollars so he said, "give me a dollar and I have a quarter in my pocket and your all set." This was a generous gesture and I truly appreciate it.
Jeannette Seither, dish machine operator, MASCAR GRILLE. Jeannette has left her own work area and helped others in the kitchen, often, this fall. She has been a life saver. We could not have excelled without her. She has helped her fellow staff members and our customers with her professional and outstanding performance. Thank YOU Jeannette.
Megan Kroes, student employee, Business Office. She is always willing to help and with a smile on her face. She is just a darn good worker.
Scott Claerhout and the computer support staff, College of Business, deserve recognition for there good and good spirited work at the stressful start of the term. One of my classes needed a software program that had not been installed on the computers in the college of business. When I talked to him about my problem his major concern was how soon would the program be needed and whether they could meet that need. I told him that I would like to be able to use the software in about a week. He said that they would see what they could do. The next day they had provided a solution to the problem and we were able to use the software at my next class meeting. Thanks to Scott and everyone else in computer support for the job well and quickly done.
Faye Young, Tracy Schoner, Pat Patterson, Ginny Spedowske and Sandra Werner, Custodians. Every time you turn around it seems that the same people volunteer for good causes and once again Residential Life Custodians Faye Young, Tracy Schoner, Pat Patterson, Ginny Spedowske and Sandra Werner have stepped forward. Together they have lead the way for others towards supporting Relay for Life and urged custodians and others to contribute to this worthy cause and have raised over $1,250 dollars towards this organization. They deserve a big Pat on the Back for all they do to help others in the community and on campus.
Lou Ann Kirkpatrick, student service representative, Admissions Office. You helped me get re-admitted into Ferris at the last minute so I could register for classes by the next day, 8/5/05. I would like to thank you for your helpfulness.
Ken Verrill, ATS-Sigma Team Technician, and Art Anderson, ATS Student Technician, for working tirelessly on the first day of classes to get specialized software up and running in a computer lab!!
Kristen Salomonson, assistant dean of Enrollment Services. Kristen has been very supportive and encouraging in my efforts to expand my role. She has taken the time to show me new programs and is always willing to help me out when I get stuck on something. I appreciate the trust and confidence Kristen has shown in my abilities and her faith in me when I take on some new duties this semester.