New program proposals (as well as programs that are requesting modifications in the
learning outcomes) are required to include a Program Assessment Plan and Curriculum
Mapping form. All actively offered courses, including internships, special topics,
and experimental courses should have a program assessment plan.
The Assessment Plan terminology used in FSU assessment procedures are consistent with
the University Assessment System except program and course outcomes are simply referred
to as “outcomes.” Therefore, to provide clarity the terms Program Learning Outcome
(PLO) and Course Learning Outcome (CLO) are used to differentiate between course-level
outcomes and program–level outcomes.
While there may be additional program outcomes desired in a program or course such
as enrollment, the learning outcomes defined in the Program and Course Assessment
Plans are focused on student learning.
As outlined in the UCC Curriculum Planning and Procedures Manual (UCC Manual), the
UAC serves as a required Form B consult. In order to accomplish this process, academic
programs are requested to submit their program assessment plans using these new forms.
The UCC requires any proposal creating a new program or course offering to complete
a detailed assessment plan with program and/or course learning outcomes, assessment
methods, criterion for success, and assessment schedule, which will be reviewed by
the UAC.
Two forms must be completed and submitted to the UCC with the new program proposal:
Program Assessment Plan
Curriculum Mapping Plan
Complete the "Program Assessment Plan" and "Curriculum Mapping" Forms
Please download the Word document below. The Word document contains both forms that
need to be completed for each new program proposal and and submitted with the program
proposal to the University Curriculum Committee. Click on the links below to download
the forms in a Word document.
Fill out the "Program Assessment Plan" form. Is is in a Word document format, to
help make it easier for programs to udpate. The form is a simple table with 4 columns.
Please fill out all columns for each program learning outcome.
The forms are both in a Word document format, to help make it easier for programs
to udpate. The forms are simple tables. Each column corresponds to the same data
that is recorded in Nuventive Improve. All columns must be completed for each learning
outcome in the program.
What to Submit:
Submit the "Program Assessment Plan"
The Program Assessment Plan has just 4 columns. Please fill out all columns for each
program learning outcome.
Program Learning Outcomes
Assessment Methods to Be Used
Criterion for Success
Assessment Schedule
Submit the "Curriculum Mapping Plan"
It is extremely important that you use the same program outcome numbers for each of
the Program Learning Outcomes that you identified in the Program Assessment Plan Form.
This is the form that will be referred to when reviewing the curriculum mapping table
in the University Assessment System.
Feel free to add columns and rows to the table if the academic degree/major program
has more learning outcomes or courses as needed.
Submit BOTH forms with your program proposal to the UCC.
It's that easy!
If your academic program is proposing multiple programs (associate, bachelor, certificates,
etc.) then please submit one Program Assessment Plan and Curriculum Mapping Plan for
each program.
You do not need to submit program assessment plans for changed in an existing programs
unless the program has changed the program learning outcomes, added new learning outcomes
or added new courses. (The new courses need to be added to the Curriculum Mapping
If the new program proposal includes changing the learning outcomes of an existing
program, then please also submit an updated program assessment plan for that program.
Academic Programs that have yet to develop assessment plans and would like assistance,
may contact the UAC for guidance.
The Program Assessment Plan consists of four (4) specific items.
Program Learning Outcomes:
Program learning outcomes should be specific, measurable, and achievable. Program
learning outcomes should be clearly stated and written from the student’s perspective
without unnecessary technical jargon. Program learning outcomes should be relevant
and in line with program, school, college, or University mission, goals and/or objectives.
Assessment Methods:
Assessment methods should be specific and appropriate to measure each program learning
outcome. Each program learning outcome should identify at least one direct method
of assessment.
Criterion for Success:
Criterion for success should identify the expectations for student performance. There
should be clearly defined criterion and thresholds for each assessment method and
program learning outcome. The criterion should be achievable and appropriate for each
program learning outcome. The threshold levels for each criterion should be purposeful
and meaningful where general terms used to describe the results (such as high, medium,
low) are defined.
Assessment Schedule:
The assessment schedule should identify the timeline when each program learning outcomes
is assessed. It is recommended to provide a schedule for when the program learning
outcomes will be assessed. The recommended rotational schedule for documenting the
program learning outcomes is within three years.
The Curriculum Mapping Plan indicates which course(s) are used for the collection
and reporting of program assessment data for each program outcome. Curriculum mapping
is used to communicate how student learning outcomes are mastered throughout the program.
The program assessment map is documented using the Curriculum Mapping document within
the University Assessment System.
The Curriculum Mapping within the Nuventive Improve contains a simple table showing
how courses map to PLOs.
For new and updated program proposals, the UAC is simply requesting programs to document
the program plan. A form is provided to make this process consistent with the documentation
in the University Assessment System. Programs can use this document to communicate
the Program Plan to the faculty who teach the courses as well as to staff that might
be entering in the information into the system.
All courses and learning experiences required for the program are mapped to at least
one program learning outcome in the University Assessment System.
This course list does not include General Education Courses not in the major, as those
are already assessed through the General Education process. Other areas may have similar
courses that are not included, such as the College of Business Core as they are assessed
collectively through the College of Business. Programs may contact the UAC for assistance
in determining which courses to include in the Curriculum Mapping Plan.
When mapping required courses/experiences to program outcomes, the level of learning
experience and the manner in which learning progresses throughout the program should
be documented:
Level of Learning Experience - The curriculum mapping indicates the level of how the
course or learning experience contributes to each of the learning outcomes. The Curriculum
Mapping in the University Assessment System identifies these as I - Introduced, R
– Reinforced, or M – Mastered. In most programs, assessment will occur at the mastery
level. Learning Progression - A balance of the portion of courses that introduce, reinforce,
and demonstrate mastery of outcomes is encouraged across courses so that one course
is not used to introduce all outcomes and one course to master all outcomes. Mapping
student learning progression should also be distributed across courses throughout
the program. Integration of assessment data from multiple courses and/or learning experiences for
program assessment is encouraged and can be used to triangulate assessment results.
The UAC is reviewing the program assessment plan for completeness (met/not met). The
UAC has a checklist, simply to help guide the committee in the review.
The UAC reviews and advises regarding the Assessment Plan, including program learning
outcomes, assessment methods, criteria for success (including thresholds), and on
assessment. All new or modified programs and new or modified courses must therefore,
have an Assessment Plan defined.
The UAC will be using a rubric in the review of the assessment plans for each course
assement plan. The rubric includes criteria for all four columns. A copy of the criteria
is provided with the form.
The UAC is reviewing the course assessment plan for completeness (met/not met). The
UAC has a checklist, simply to help guide the committee in the review. Here are some
criteria that you might find useful to review before you fill out the form.
Program Learning Outcomes
Program learning outcomes are relevant and in line with program, school, college,
and University mission, goals and/or objectives.
Program learning outcomes are specific, measurable and achievable.
Program learning outcomes are clearly stated and written from the student’s perspective
without unnecessary technical jargon.
Assessment Methods
Assessment methods are aligned with the program learning outcomes.
Assessment methods are specific and appropriate to measure the program learning outcomes.
Each program learning outcome will identify at least one “direct” method of assessment.
Include at least two assessment methods for each program outcome.
Criterion for Success
Clearly defined criterion and thresholds are defined and provided for each assessment
method and program learning outcome.
The criterion is achievable and appropriate for each program learning outcome.
The threshold levels for each criterion are purposeful and meaningful and use of general
terms to describe results such as high, medium, low, are defined.
Assessment Schedule
Identify the timeline when each program learning outcome is assessed.
A rotational schedule is provided for when the entire set of program outcomes will
be assessed.
Program learning outcomes are assessed and documented every three years.
Fill out the Curriculum Mapping Plan form that is provided.
Program Learning Outcomes:
It is extremely important that you use the same program outcome numbers for each of
the Program Learning
Outcomes that you identified in the Program Assessment Plan Form. This is the form
that will be referred to when reviewing the curriculum mapping table!
Feel free to add columns and rows to the table if the academic degree/major program
has more learning outcomes or courses as needed.
Program Required Courses/Experiences
List all the degree requirements on separate lines under Required Courses or Experiences.
List all courses and required experiences that all students complete for the program
and are documented in the official program “checksheets.”
All required experiences should be included. A required experience may include things
like certifications or internship requirements (in some cases co-curricular experiences
may also be included).
Curriculum Mapping Requirements:
Each program outcome must be mapped to and assessed in at least one course.
All required courses are mapped to at least one program learning outcome.
One course may contribute to and be mapped to more than one program outcome.
Be realistic and avoid over-mapping every outcome to every course!
Multiple Choices for Courses
When programs offer choices, where more than one course independently could be used
to meet the same program outcomes, group the courses on the same line as shown in
the example.
Documentation Requirements:
Enter program-level learning outcomes and indicate (using A, I, R, M) how each required
course or experience contributes to one of the learning outcomes.
The curriculum mapping indicates which course(s) are used for the collection and reporting
of assessment data (“A”) for each program outcome. Place an (“A”) indicating which
course(s) are used for the collection and reporting of assessment data for each program
outcome. The curriculum mapping indicates the level of how the course or learning experience
contributes to each of the learning outcomes. Place an (“I”) where the topic is introduced,
(“R”) where the outcome is reinforced and/or (“M”) where students will master the
content or skill (mastery).
With UAC guidance, alternative documentation may be provided for programs with external
accreditation that provides comparable data in a comparable format. However, the same
rubrics will be used to assess the curriculum mapping.
Academic Programs do no need to resubmit the Program Assessment Plan when making changes
to the program, except if those changes involve changing the Program Learning Outcomes.
Academic Programs may change the Assessment Methods, Criterion for Success and Assessment
Schedule without going through the curriculum process. Please promptly document the change
in the University Assessment System.
However, changes in the Learning Outcomes are required by the UCC to be reviewed by
the UCC according to the UCC guidelines and procedures.