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Professional Development Committee

J. Randall Groves on a PD fund assisted trip to the Middle East

Above: J. Randall Groves on a PD fund assisted trip to the Middle East.

Professional development consists of engaging in planned learning activities designed to maintain and advance faculty members’ competence within their respective disciplines. This grant is intended to encourage and support faculty in their pursuit of professional development.  The types of proposals that are encouraged are those that:

  1. Increase faculty competence by acquiring new teaching/counseling skills, updating instructional/counseling techniques, or pursuing recent advances in a discipline.
  2. Develop or implement and evaluate innovative or alternate approaches to classroom instruction or counseling.
  3. Develop skills relevant to one's field and/or strategies to enhance faculty-student collaborations.
  4. Involve collaborative efforts within or across academic disciplines.

Please see the current Guidelines for submitting Professional Development Proposals for information on how to prepare a proposal.

Download the evaluation rubric

Funding Cycles

The committee will accept and review application two times during the year, and a third cycle will be offered if there are remaining funds. Faculty should select an application date that allows them to use the award within one year of notification (see dates below).

Grant Period Proposal due Award notification
First Grant Period 4:00 pm, First Friday in October First Friday of November
Second Grant Period 4:00 pm, First Friday in February First Friday of March
*Third Grant Period 4:00 pm, Last Friday in April Last Friday of May

*Subject to the availability of funds.

Professor Mike Berghoef participates in the U.S. - El Salvador Sister Cities 2014 Election Observation Delegation

Above: Professor Mike Berghoef (second from right) participates in the U.S. - El Salvador Sister Cities 2014 Election Observation Delegation.