The UAC, UCC and APRC are all engaged and invested in course and program assessment
because these are tools that help support the assessment of student learning. The
goal of this process, is to help programs improve program and course assessment. In
addition, this pre-review can help identify areas of concern, that provide the academic
program with time to modify the assessment plans and implementations if needed.
The focus of this review is to provide a snapshot of the assessment data:
Course Assessment Plan
Course Assessment Results
Program Assessment Plan
Program Assessment Results
Curriculum Mapping
Program and course assessment includes learning outcomes (PLOs/CLOs), assessment
methods, criterion for success, and the assessment schedule. However, during the
APR review, there is also a focus on the results, actions, and follow-up necessary
for quality assessment.
Program assessment data should be collected according to the schedule defined in the
program assessment plan and documented within the University Assessment System. Programs
should continue the process of program assessment with the focus of continuous improvement.
All programs should document the results, actions, and follow-up for each program
learning outcome on a regular basis according to the Assessment Schedule listed in
the Assessment Plan. Assessment data is required information to be documented in the
Systematic assessment is periodic and regular. Program assessment should begin a continuous
process of review after the program is approved and first offered. Programs should
use the feedback from the UAC to drive continuous improvement and data-driven decision
making (i.e., updates and improvements to assessment plans, to the program itself,
and/or to individual courses within the program).
What will be the role of the UAC in Reviewing Assessment?
Although program assessment review occurs during a full program review by the APRC,
the UAC will conduct periodic reviews of program and course assessment, focusing on
the curriculum mapping, program and course assessment plans, program and course assessment
results, and overall student learning.
Starting in Fall 2022, the UAC will use this new process to review the Assessment
Plans and Assessment Results for programs going up for APR in three years. Programs
Scheduled for APR Review in Fall 2025-Spring 2026 will be reviewed in Fall 2022-Spring
The three year time window is to provide time for programs to have collected and recorded
data in the University Assessment System, as well as to provide sufficient time for
the review and for academic programs to be able to use the feedback to improve their
courses and programs.
The UAC uses the APR schedule as the initial schedule.
No! You do not need to submit anything. You do not need to do anything other than
what is normally expected.
It is expected that programs enter assessment data into Improve. The current assessment
information for the existing program and/or courses should be entered into the University
Assessment System.
At the end of the process, you will receive a copy of the UAC review.
This is not an APR review.
This is a narrowly focused review of only course and program assessment and results
and the curriculum mapping.
The UAC will review programs and provide feedback using the Course Mapping, Program
Assessment Unit Planning, and Program and Course 4-column reports from the University
Assessment System. Programs are encouraged to download these reports themselves on
a regular basis to ensure completeness.
The UAC will gather and analyze the data and provide summary documentation to the
academic program. Forms and criteria have been developed to guide the UAC in their
At the end of the process, you will receive a copy of the UAC review through your
Aggregated results from these UAC reviews will be provided to the Academic Senate
at the end of the Fall and Spring terms.
Four reports can be run from the University Assessment System for the UAC to review
program/course assessment data. Theese reports document the Course and Program Assessment
Plans, the Course and Program Assessment Results and the Curriculum Mapping.
Program Assessment Unit Planning: contains the program mission, learning outcomes, assessment methods, criteria for
success, and course mapping to the PLOs as well as the results.
Program Four Column: contains the PLOs, assessment methods, criteria for success, results, and actions/follow-ups.
Curriculum Mapping: contains a simple table showing how courses map to PLOs.
Course Four Column: contains the CLOs, assessment methods, criteria for success, results, and actions/follow-up.
Program Assessment Plans consist of:
Learning Outcomes
Assessment Methods to Be Used
Criterion for Success
Assessment Schedule
Program Assessment Results consist of:
These three areas are evaluated as 'Good', 'Fair', and 'Poor', in order to provide
academic programs with more detailed feedback. Narrative and summary feedback will
be provided when needed.
Program Assessment Results include:
The result from the assessment should be fully documented in the University Assessment
System including the percentage or number of students meeting the outcome and the
total number of students assessed. The criterion for success should be identified
as “Met” or “Unmet” in the University Assessment System. The program learning outcomes
should be assessed and documented in a timely manner, according to the assessment
schedule documented in the program assessment plan.
Based on the assessment results, the program should indicate if action is required
for continuous improvement. No action is needed if the program learning outcome is
met. If the outcome is not met, the action to be taken should be described. In addition,
the following should be documented: describe or identify the specific factors and
issues that may have led to not meeting the criterion for success; identify the person(s)
responsible for this action, when this action will be taken, and when the program
learning outcome is to be reassessed. .
Programs should document the specific action that was taken or if the action was not
taken. If the action was not taken, document the reasons or alternative actions that
were taken. Programs should also document the impact the action had on the program
learning outcome when it was reassessed. If additional action is to be taken, identify
the action, the person(s) responsible for this action, when this action will be taken,
and when the program learning outcome is to be reassessed.
Program Assessment Plans and Results Criteria
You will notice that the criteria are quite similar to the criteria used with new
program proposals.
Program Learning Outcomes
Program learning outcomes are relevant and in line with program, school, college,
and University mission, goals and/or objectives.
Program learning outcomes are specific, measurable, and achievable.
Program learning outcomes are clearly stated and written from the student’s perspective
without unnecessary technical jargon.
Assessment Methods
Assessment methods are aligned with the program learning outcomes.
Assessment methods are specific and appropriate to measure the program learning outcomes.
Each program learning outcome will identify at least one “direct” method of assessment.
Criterion for Success
Clearly defined criterion and thresholds are defined and provided for each assessment
method and program learning outcome.
The criterion is achievable and appropriate for each program learning outcome.
The threshold levels for each criterion are purposeful and meaningful and use of general
terms to describe results such as high, medium, low, are defined.
Assessment Schedule
Identify the timeline when each program learning outcome is assessed.
A rotational schedule is provided for when the entire set of program outcomes will
be assessed.
Program learning outcomes are assessed and documented every three years.
The criterion for success is identified as “Met” or “Unmet” in the University Assessment
The result from the assessment is fully documented in the University Assessment System
including the percentage or number of students meeting the outcome and the total number
of students assessed.
The program is assessed and documented in a timely manner, according to the schedule
in the program assessment plan.
Indicate no action to be taken if the outcome is met. If the outcome is not met, describe
the action that is to be taken.
Identify the person(s) responsible for this action, when this action will be taken,
and when the outcome is to be reassessed.
If the outcome is not met, describe or identify the specific factors and issues that
may have led to not meeting the criterion for success.
Document the specific action that was taken or if the action was not taken. If the action was not taken, document the reasons or alternative actions that were
Document the impact the action had on the program learning outcome when it was reassessed.
If additional action is to be taken, identify the action, and the person(s) responsible
for this action
If additional action is to be taken, identify when this action will be taken, and
when the outcome is to be reassessed. (i.e.., yearly)
When the program outcome is reassessed, document the results were positive or review
and modify follow-up plan.
Described any adjustments planned or implemented in response to the results.
Course Assessment Results include:
The result from the assessment should be fully documented in the University Assessment
System including the percentage or number of students meeting the outcome and the
total number of students assessed. The criterion for success should be identified
as “Met” or “Unmet” in the University Assessment System. The course should be assessed
and documented in a timely manner, according to the schedule in the course assessment
Based on the assessment results, the program should indicate if action is required
for continuous improvement. No action is needed if the course learning outcome is
met. If the outcome is not met, the action to be taken should be described. In addition,
the following should be documented: describe or identify the specific factors and
issues that may have led to not meeting the criterion for success; identify the person(s)
responsible for this action, when this action will be taken, and when the course learning
outcome is to be reassessed.
Programs should document the specific action that was taken or if the action was not
taken. If the action was not taken, document the reasons or alternative actions that
were taken. Programs should also document the impact the action had on the program
learning outcome when it was reassessed. If additional action is to be taken, identify
the action, the person(s) responsible for this action, when this action will be taken,
and when the course learning outcome is to be reassessed.
Course Assessment Plans and Results Criteria
You will notice that the criteria are quite similar to the criteria used with new
course proposals.
Course Learning Outcomes
Course learning outcomes are relevant and in line with the course description and
program outcomes.
Course learning outcomes are specific, measurable, and achievable.
Course learning outcomes are reasonable for the level and difficulty of the course.
Course learning outcomes are clearly stated and written from the student’s perspective
without unnecessary technical jargon.
Assessment Methods
Assessment methods are aligned with the learning outcomes.
Assessment methods are specific and appropriate to measure the learning outcomes.
Each course learning outcome will identify at least one “direct” method of assessment.
Include at least two assessment methods for each course learning outcome.
Criterion for Success
Clearly defined criterion and thresholds are defined and provided for each assessment
method and course learning outcome.
The criterion is achievable and appropriate for each course learning outcome.
The threshold levels for each criterion are purposeful and meaningful and use of general
terms to describe results such as high, medium, low, are defined.
Assessment Schedule
Identify the timeline when each course learning outcome is assessed.
A rotational schedule is provided for when the entire set of course outcomes will
be assessed.
Course assessment is fully documented every 2 – 3 years.
The criterion for success is identified as “Met” or “Unmet” in the University Assessment
The result from the course assessment is fully documented in the University Assessment
System including the percentage or number of students meeting the outcome and the
total number of students assessed.
The course is assessed and documented in a timely manner, according to the assessment
schedule documented in the course assessment plan.
Indicate no action to be taken if the outcome is met. If the course outcome is not
met, describe the action that is to be taken.
Identify the person(s) responsible for this action, when this action will be taken,
and when the course outcome is to be reassessed.
If the course outcome is not met, describe or identify the specific factors and issues
that may have led to not meeting the criterion for success.
Document the specific action that was taken or if the action was not taken.
If the action was not taken, document the reasons or alternative actions that were
Document the impact the action had on the course learning outcome when it was reassessed.
If additional action is to be taken, identify the action, and the person(s) responsible
for this action.
If additional action is to be taken, identify when this action will be taken, and
when the outcome is to be reassessed. (i.e., yearly)
When the course outcome is reassessed, document the results were positive or review
and modify follow-up plan.
Described any adjustments planned or implemented in response to the results.
Curriculum Mapping Results - Criteria
The criteria guidelines are used to help review if these criteria are met or not met.
Required Courses
List of all courses and required learning experiences that all students complete for
the program and are documented in the official program “checksheets.”
Curriculum Mapping
All program learning outcomes are mapped to one or more required courses and/or required
learning experiences.
All required courses and learning experiences are mapped to at least one program learning
outcome in the University Assessment System.
Documents the level of how the course or learning experience contributes to each learning
outcome when the course is used for initial introduction, reinforcement, or “mastery”
in the University Assessment System.
Mapping of course progression, as well as the introduction, reinforcement and mastery
of learning outcomes, is distributed across courses throughout the program.
Curriculum mapping identifies a course learning outcome from the course that is directly
mapped to the program learning outcome.
The curriculum mapping indicates which course(s) are used for the collection and reporting
of assessment data (“A”) for each program outcome.
Integrate assessment data from multiple courses and/or learning experiences for program
The UAC is available to help programs with their assessment plans. Although the UAC
will not enter your data into the University Assessment System, academic programs
can request assistance and/or feedback with their assessment plans prior to submission
to the UCC, as they are getting ready for APR, or upon obtaining the results of their
Programs should contact [email protected] for a consultation and to discuss the available options.