The Academic Policy and Standards Committee shall study and evaluate existing educational
policies and standards and may initiate recommendations for change in them. Committee
recommendations shall be submitted for Senate approval.
The committee shall review regularly and advise the Senate on policies, procedures,
and standards pertaining to academic regulations, including but not limited to:
- Review and suggest modifications in the academic master plan based on the continuing
analysis of the educational objectives of the university and the needs of its students.
- Review University-wide policies and standards regarding attendance, examinations,
grading, scholastic standing, probation, and honors.
- Review of admissions policies.
- Review the academic calendar.
- Develop criteria governing experiential learning, including prior credit by examination,
advanced placement and sponsored internships, supervised field experiences; on-line
learning; and procedures for implementing such criteria other than those established
by academic program accrediting agencies.
- Recommend to the Senate specific procedures to deal with student petitions and student
appeals concerning academic regulations; review these procedures regularly and recommend
any desirable changes.
- Consider other matters concerning academic procedures, and make appropriate recommendations.
Committee Structure
- One faculty member from each college.
- One member from the librarian/counselor unit.
- Ex-officio: Academic Affairs Representative.
Approved by the Academic Senate, Feb. 6, 2007