College of Engineering Technology
JOH 200
1009 Campus Drive
Big Rapids, MI 49307
Phone: (231) 591-2890
Fax: (231) 591-2946
This policy applies only to students majoring in a College of Engineering Technology (CET) program.
Note: It is wise to consult with your advisor before changing your class schedule.
The Ferris State University Catalog states, "Once classes begin, a student may adjust their schedule during the first four days of the term. This includes adding and dropping a course." The last day to drop a course is note in the Ferris Academic Calendar and it is the responsibility of the student to know the date and to adhere to the policy for adding and dropping a class. Students may drop and add via Ferris360 or in person at the Student Services Center on the first floor of CSS (Timme). Before adding, you must determine if the class you want to add still has seats available. If the course is closed/full, you may request online to be placed on the waitlist, but a seat is not guaranteed by doing so.
During open course enrollment, students are able to drop a course through the first four days of the term for 100% tuition refund. After the fourth day, students must request to be withdrawn from the course and will receive a "W" grade. There is no refund associated with a withdrawal. To see the specific deadline dates for each semester and for partial terms, please view the Ferris Academic Calendar.
Students may withdraw from a course through the last day for a "W" grade indicated in the Ferris Academic Calendar. Students can log into their Ferris360 account. On their student academic dashboard, under registration, click on withdraw from a course. Complete forms and submit. You should consult your advisor and/or instructor to determine the appropriateness of this action. Please note if you are only enrolled in one course, you must do a total withdrawal.
Before electing to completely withdraw from courses, please consult with your advisor and the financial aid office. Please see the academic policy letter referring to medical withdrawals and complete withdrawals (non-medical) before making a decision. Complete withdrawals are for truly exceptional circumstances.
Dropping or withdrawing from a course, especially if it reduces your credit hours for a semester below 12 credit hours (full-time status), can significantly affect eligibility for financial aid, athletics, Greek life housing, etc. Before dropping a course, be sure to: