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MCO Residency in Pediatric Optometry

Infant Eye ExamType: Pediatric Optometry

Area of Emphasis:  Vision Therapy and Community Health

Number of Positions: 1

Location: Michigan College of Optometry, Big Rapids, MI

Mission: The Pediatric and Binocular Vision Residency at the Michigan College of Optometry will provide post-doctoral clinical experiences resulting in advanced competency in primary and secondary pediatric care. Special emphasis will be placed on the evaluation, treatment, and management of infant and preschool patients and binocular vision disorders, with opportunities in the areas of vision therapy, vision information processing, and traumatic brain injury. Residents will be equipped with the necessary tools for life-long learning through clinical, scholarly, and didactic activities, thereby enabling continued advanced level competency throughout his or her professional career.

 Residency Supervisor:

Paula McDowell, OD, FAAO
Michigan College of Optometry 
1124 S. State Street, MCO 250
Big Rapids, MI 49307 
231.591.2182 - telephone 
231.591.2394 - fax 
[email protected]


Program Information

All Michigan College of Optometry optometric residency programs are accredited by the Accreditation Council on Optometric Education, 243 N Lindberg Blvd., Suite 301 St. Louis, MO, and can be contacted at [email protected]