Alison Jenerou, OD
Director of Residencies
1124 S. State St.
Big Rapids, MI 49307
(231) 591-2179
[email protected]
Type: Primary Care Optometry
Area of Emphasis: Ocular Disease, Cornea and Contact Lenses
Number of Positions: 1
Location: Henry Ford OptimEyes West Bloomfield, MI
Mission: This primary care residency program seeks to fulfill its mission by providing clinically focused post-graduate education in a multi-disciplinary environment with emphasis on ocular disease and specialty contact lens fitting. Extensive interaction with attending optometrists and externs facilitates a truly unique learning experience, as well as an opportunity to interact with other members of the health care delivery team. Direct optometric patient care is combined with clinical supervision of fourth professional year Michigan College of Optometry externs to complete the resident's optometric clinical education. The primary goal of this program is to improve the resident's proficiency and clinical competency in diagnosis, treatment and management of patients. This residency’s patient population is diverse with a large variety of medical and ocular pathology and specialty contact lens fittings. Upon completion of this program, the resident will be prepared to pursue professional opportunities such as academia or develop and operate a full-scope optometric clinic.
Residency Supervisor:
Morgan Baker, OD
Henry Ford OptimEyes West Bloomfield
7230 Orchard Lake Road
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
248.661.5100 - telephone
[email protected]
Goal 1 : To provide an extensive and varied clinical experience.
Measures :
Goal 2: To develop the resident’s abilities to become an effective clinical educator.
Goal 3 : The resident will communicate clearly and use appropriate terminology when presenting information to patients, clinic co-workers, students, and attending/consulting staff.
Goal 4 : To provide the resident an appreciation of the importance of scholarly activity.
Measures :
Goal 5: Develop the resident’s ability to function as a primary care provider of a health care system through participation in a multidisciplinary health care delivery environment.
Goal 6 : Develop skills/tools necessary to care for patients with complex problems.
Measures :
Goal 7: To provide the resident with the opportunity to develop expertise in advanced diagnostic procedures.
Goal 8: The resident will acquire a practical understanding of patient coding, billing, and practice management in a primary eye care clinical setting.
The residency will be for a period of 12 months, commencing July 1st and ending June 30th. The resident’s schedule will vary according to patient care and training needs. Forty hours per week is required. Approximately 4 hours per week will be allotted for working on case reports, journal club activities, and posters/presentations. The remaining hours per week will be spent in direct patient care.
Clinical Activities:
The resident participates in patient care via providing professional services at the Henry Ford OptimEyes West Bloomfield Clinic, either directly or via supervising Michigan College of Optometry externs. The resident examines primary eye care, contact lens, and ocular disease patients under supervision from faculty. When assigned to direct patient care, the resident will also be responsible for interpreting specialty diagnostic testing and for examining walk-in emergency patients. The resident charts are reviewed by the attending staff and regular feedback is given to the resident regarding quality of documentation (accuracy and completeness) and appropriate care (necessary testing, correct diagnosis, appropriate treatment and follow up.)
Didactic Activities:
The resident will be required to attend the Henry Ford OptimEyes Morbidity and Mortality conference. The conference typically consists of 4 hours of lectures and cases presented by HFO staff optometrists and is approved for continuing education credits by the Michigan State Board of Optometry. The Morbidity and Mortality conference and lecture may be outside of normal clinic hours. The resident will be required to present a lecture.
The resident attends, at minimum, one optometric professional meeting. The resident is encouraged to attended and participate in the state and local professional meetings, specifically the Michigan Optometric Association.
Scholarly Activities:
The resident will submit a poster for presentation at a recognized professional meeting.
The resident will prepare, at minimum, one clinical study, research paper, literature review or case report suitable for publication in a revered journal.
The resident will participate at residency day held in April at the Michigan College of Optometry.
The resident will participate in bimonthly journal clubs.
The resident is responsible for clinical instruction and supervision of 4th year professional students from the Michigan College of Optometry during the latter part of the residency year.
The resident is required to implement and conduct bimonthly journal clubs with faculty and fourth year optometric externs.
Henry Ford OptimEyes West Bloomfield is located at 7230 Orchard Lake Road, West Bloomfield, MI 48322. The clinic moved from its previous location to a new state-of-the-art facility in February 2017. The clinic contains staff and providers for both optometry and ophthalmology. There are a total of 30 exam lanes, 11 of them dedicated to optometry. The facility includes waiting areas, an optical with over 3000 frames, a dispensary, reception, an optical laboratory, special testing areas, a minor procedures room, and a contact lens clinic. Ophthalmology specialties onsite include general, cornea, retina, glaucoma, pediatrics, and neuro-ophthalmology. The resident has their own desk space in a shared office with faculty. They have access to their own computer as well as file space. The resident has access to many clinical text books and articles if needed for reference. The facility also includes a large conference room with access to teleconferencing and smart screens used during journal clubs and meetings. The facility allows the resident to practice to the fullest allowable scope and provides ample technology and space for education thus fulfilling the mission, goals, and objectives of the program.
Equipment the resident has access to includes:
All Michigan College of Optometry optometric residency programs are accredited by the Accreditation Council on Optometric Education, 243 N Lindberg Blvd., Suite 301 St. Louis, MO, and can be contacted at [email protected]
Alison Jenerou, OD
Director of Residencies
1124 S. State St.
Big Rapids, MI 49307
(231) 591-2179
[email protected]