Department of Humanities
Johnson Hall, 1171009 Campus Drive
Big Rapids, MI 49307
(231) 591-3675
A History Minor's critical thinking and creative problem solving skills will get you promoted, once your Major gets your hired.
It is time to acquire the full range of skills your future employer desires: critical thinking skills, creative problem solving, effective verbal and written communication skills, the ability to work in teams and yes, the willingness to learn and adapt as situations change and evolve.
The History Minor allows students to study traditional topics in history (such as military history) as well as topics that may have particular interest to them personally (such as the history of technology, business, health care or sports) or topics that may fuel their interests in social justice such as the history of women's global activism or the modern civil rights movement.
In this age of "informational overload," the History Minor helps students deal with information from many different sources, sort out the "big picture" from the short-term details and recognize the decisions and events that will have lasting impact on one's business or career path. History Minors are twenty-first century knowledge workers.
The Craft of History is a required course for all History Minors. This courses promotes creative problem solving by working through the steps necessary to write a competent research paper. In addition to honing basic writing and citation skills, the course fosters critical thinking through a series of assignments that require students analyze, evaluate and synthesize diverse sources. This class also fosters collaboration and teamwork skills. Throughout the minor, students develop skills that compliment any major or career path they may pursue.
"History in general will pertain to my career as a social worker and help me with the basic understandings of history that my future clients will have to know. Without the writings of Fredrick Douglass or Harriet Beecher Stowe, we would never really know how the slaves felt in the 1800s or the feelings of those who opposed slavery. . . . Some of the topics and issues that we covered have the most relevance to my personal life, like the persistence of women’s rights and what positions in society they held. Because of actions of certain people, I now have a say in my rights and in my government, and I can obtain whatever career I choose. The History Minor helped me understand the origins and patterns of social justice."
Kimn Carlton-Smith
Professor of History and History Minor Advisor
Phone: (231) 591-3675
Email: [email protected]
Office: ASC 2068