Department of Humanities
Johnson Hall, 1171009 Campus Drive
Big Rapids, MI 49307
(231) 591-3675
You don't have to be a communication major or minor to be involved in the Ferris State Speech/Forensics Team, which focuses on individual speech events. Our team travels to intercollegiate tournaments around the nation. The team also travels annually to the national Pi Kappa Delta tournament.
Ferris State Speech/Forensics Team members come from programs ranging from Communication, Computer Information Systems, Political Science and Pharmacy. The only requirements to join the team are a love for public speaking and performance, the willingness to research and prepare material independently with a coach's guidance, and a 2.5 GPA.
Currently the coaches for the team are T. J. Lakin, who coaches public-address and limited-preparation events, and Cami Sanderson, who coaches interpretation events. Other members of the Communication faculty and the Ferris community volunteer their time and expertise to coach and judge for Ferris speakers.