Student Financial Services
1201 S. State Street
CSS 101
Big Rapids, Michigan, USA 49307
(231) 591-3972
Email: [email protected]
Check payments can be mailed to:
Ferris State University
Student Financial Services
1201 S State St, CSS 101PA
Big Rapids, MI 49307
Please be sure to include your student ID number on the memo line of the check. Checks should be made payable to Ferris State University.
A $25.00 return check fee will be charged to your student account for payments returned by the bank (ex. insufficient funds, account closed, incorrect account number). An e-mail will be sent to your Ferris student e-mail account if a returned check is received from the bank. If three (3) returned checks are received by the University, your student account will be permanently restricted from personal checks as a payment option. All future payments must be made via cash, credit card, cashier’s check, or money order only.