University Wide Committees
CSS 208A
(231) 591-3626
The Committee shall review and evaluate professional development grant proposals submitted by the faculty. The grants shall support curriculum development, innovative teaching proposals, and scholarly activity for the faculty. The Committee shall develop procedures and guidelines for submission of these grants. The Committee shall assess the effectiveness of the program and make recommendations to the Senate which will enhance the quality of this program.
Committee Membership
The Committee shall consist of nine voting members to include representation from each of the seven colleges, the Counselor/Librarian unit, and an At-Large member chosen from the Professional group whenever possible. Ex-officio representation will be from the Office for Academic Affairs. The Committee shall elect the Chair by secret ballot.
Reporting Procedures
The Committee Chair shall submit an annual report and all recommendations to the Vice-President of the Academic Senate. In addition, the Chair shall send all recommendations for approval to the Vice-President for Academic Affairs.
Once per semester the Committee shall determine dates for submission and notification of Professional Development Proposals.