Doctorate in Community College Leadership
420 Oak Street, PRK 120
Big Rapids, MI 49307
(231) 591-2710
[email protected]
We asked some of our Community College Leadership doctoral students questions about their experience as students.
What are some things you have learned that you have been able to use in your work? "I have a renewed passion for the community college mission as a result of this program." "I've been learning a lot about the history of community colleges, even though I've been in the community college process. I have been really learning a lot of things that now I understand why we do certain things that we do and the reason behind them." "Leaders have a special place in the overall health, success, and community engagement part of the community college." |
The cohort model. How has this feature worked for you? "I think it is the best approach that anyone considering furthering their education should have the privilege of being a part of." "The networking that you do and the relationships that you build and, to me, it's going to be with me for the rest of my life." "When you are part of a cohort there's a cohesiveness that you really feel that you're together all the time. We're always talking about the program, and were supportive of each other." |
Another feature is that you can complete the program in three years. Talk a little about that. "One of the exciting things about the program is that it is three years. It's exciting, at the same time it's kind of scary, because it means that it's intense at times." "I like the idea of a three year completion time frame because I think that gives you a goal to work towards." "But it's just exciting to know that you can spend three years working on a program, working on a degree, continuing to do your job, meeting new people, having faculty that are so supportive. I think that's exciting." |
What is the ONE thing you most like about the program? "There are so many things about this program that I love, and I guess the main thing I would say is the fact that it is doable, that we have the support that we need." "I will say this. The best thing are the people. The people who we meet in every part of the program." "Our instructors, they come with experience in community college leadership. And so as we have class time together, and as we discuss issues, we can relate these things to what is happening right now." |