Doctorate in Community College Leadership
420 Oak Street, PRK 120
Big Rapids, MI 49307
(231) 591-2710
[email protected]
Community College Faculty CertificationThe Alliance is developing a faculty certification online course designed for faculty new to the community college—both full time and adjuncts. This course is developed by community college faculty and covers relevant topics such as understanding the mission of the community college; learning pedagogy; achieving student success, assessment, and outcomes; and creating an awareness of laws impacting the learning environment. A detailed outline and learning objectives for each session can be found here: Community College Faculty Certification. For more information, please contact [email protected]. |
Community College Leadership CertificationThe Alliance faculty, in cooperation with seasoned community college leaders, have developed a comprehensive 25-50 hour certification in community college leadership. Offered in person or online, this series touches on relevant topics such as: making mission matter; gaining the leadership edge; cultivating a culture of leadership; and aligning strategic priorities and the budget process. A detailed outline with learning objectives for each session can be found at Community College Leadership Certification. For more information, please contact [email protected]. |
Customized TrainingThe Alliance has a successful track record in providing customized training. The key to this success is the collaborative approach used, and the careful dialog that ensued to create a meaningful curriculum. Programs designed for multiple levels in the community college can be developed—executive leaders, mid managers, faculty, and support staff. Our fees are most reasonable and our talent base is wide reaching and contemporary. For more information, please contact [email protected]. |
Leadership Tool KitLeaders are asked to draw upon a myriad of skills as leaders in a complex environment. Leadership attributes, management vs. leadership, building trust, decision making, and conflict resolution are but a few of the strategies leaders employ on a regular basis. The Tool Kit describes each of these strategies in short form, and can easily be accessible for a quick review. The Tool Kit can be found at Alliance Leadership Tool Kit. You may want to keep this on your virtual desktop! |