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What are the more common causes of low vision?

What are the more common causes of low vision?Disorders and/or diseases that can result in a person having low vision (blurred vision) can be congenital or acquired. Many congenital disorders affecting vision are hereditary. The most common hereditary congenital disorders are optic atrophy and cataracts. Other hereditary diseases that affect an individuals vision in their first or second decade of life are Bests disease, Stargardts disease, and Retinitis Pigmentosa. Most individuals with blurred vision have an acquired disease. The most common acquired diseases that can cause vision loss are Age Related Macular Degeneration, Diabetes, and Glaucoma.


For comprehensive vision and eye care (including diabetic eye evaluations) in Big Rapids please see Patient Care at MCO

Saint Mary's Mercy Medical Center is located in Grand Rapids, MI

Appointments are by referral only. Have your doctor's office contact us at.

Diabetes and Endocrine Center
MCO, Diabetic Eye Clinic
300 Lafayette SE Suite 2045
Grand Rapids, MI 49503

(616) 685-3098

(616) 685-3095