1124 S. State Street
Big Rapids, Michigan
[email protected]
(231) 591-3700
Toronto Medical Eye Associates
1333 Sheppard Avenue
East Suite 343
North York, ON M2J 1V1
Phone: (416) 492-2020
Fax: (416) 494-0010
Number of MCO Students per rotation:
1 Summer
0 Fall
0 Spring
Type of Practice:
Private Practice
Eye care professionals play an important role in helping maintain your vision and long-term ocular health. As primary healthcare practitioners of the eye, our team of eye doctors and staff ensure the highest standards of eye care.
We are always advocating for the quality of your health through expert care and advice. With comprehensive vision and eye-health care assessments, treatments, and state-of-the-art technology, you can rest assured that your ocular needs will be taken care of.
Our eye care clinic offers a range of eye exams and eye care for all ages. We can even help you with your ocular emergencies and systemic medical issues related to the eyes.
Contact Person:
Rana Taji, O.D. M.Sc, F.A.A.O.
email: [email protected]
Clinical Teaching Faculty:
- Muneera Haji, O.D., Bsc
- Clara Tsui, O.D., Bsc
Support Staff:
- 3 Optometric Technicians/Asisstants
- 2 Office Staff Personnel
Monday-Thursday 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Number of patients seens by extern per day: 15-25
- Develop critical thinking surrounding patient examination and reaching appropiate assessments and plan.
- Develop a passion fro ocular disease management and treatment, pique interest in dry eye specialty
- Improve clinical fluency in clinical skills, while becoming efficient to transpose skills into real life clnical situations.
Toronto, ON
pop: 3 million
Downtown Toronto is 20 minutes away with theatres, concerts, mnay trails, restaurants, etc.
- HVF Visual Field Tester
- Zeiss Cirrus OCT-A
- Icare
- Yes-Reichart autorefractor
- Bionoular indirect opthalmoscope with condensing lens
- Fundus contacts lenses
- Fundus non-contact lenses
- Optos Fundus camera
- Gonioscopy lenses
- Topographer
- Corneal Pachymetry
- Internet access available
- Weekly time set aside for case discussion
- Dry Eye equipment: radio frequency, IPL blephex