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MindFire Donates Software to FSU Marketing Department

The donated software will allow students to deploy and monitor complex marketing communication strategies. 

March 17, 2021

The Ferris State University Marketing Department and the Graphic Media Management Program received a donation from the MindFire software company. 

MindFire’s Da Vinci marketing communication platform is a leading-edge system designed to connect, inform and trigger a response from targeted individuals through a highly strategic delivery of text, audio and video, delivered through all current social media platforms, email, text messaging, and direct mail. 

This system, valued at nearly $25,000 per year, allow Graphic Media Management students to work alongside their peer students in Marketing, Public Relations, Design, and Data Analytics, to deploy and monitor a marketing communication strategy. 

A core team of Marketing Department faculty, Patrick Klarecki, John Conati, Barb Barney McNamara, and Scot Squires are currently attending a six-week in-depth training course from our partner/vendor. 

The initial outcome of the training will be a campaign targeting Fall 2021 applicants and admits to the FSU Marketing Department programs. The secondary objective is to foster collaboration between marketing degree students and the graphic media management majors through shared participation in the GMAN 310 Variable Data Publishing and Cross Media Marketing class. Once we have successfully implemented our program, the Marketing Department faculty will work with MindFire to build a certification program. 

MIndFire CEO David Rosendahl is ecstatic to work with Ferris State University. David says there is no institution he is aware of that teaches Marketing Communication the way Ferris State is positioned. David has high hopes this new partnership will yield a cohort of highly educated and well-prepared graduates to fill jobs at his company and those of his customers.

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